𝐀𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐲𝐛𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐂𝐥𝐮𝐛

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Here it comes, the opposing teams' serve. To bad, they won't have a service ace.

And as expected I received the ball and it went to a different player. She tossed the ball into the air and wham! We scored a point.

It was my turn to serve. I'm gonna do a Jump Float Serve...

I threw the ball into the air, I jumped, and I served the ball. Service Ace! I get to have another serve, this time I'm going to do a normal serve. I throw the ball into the air but this time I don't jump I just hit the ball. It slightly hit the net and then it hit the ground.

Another serve. I did a Jump Serve. Jump, and I hit it, but this time I didn't get a service ace. The opposing teams' libero received it. "Tch". Their setter caught it and then the spiker jumped high, like a bird. Two of our teams middle blocker jumped and tried to block the ball. "One touch!" One of them said. I went to receive the ball but it was a bad one. "Sorry!" I apologized.

First quarter is over. 26-20 in my teams favor.
Here come's the second quarter.

26-25 in favor of my team...

26-20 in the opposing teams favor...

Last quarter. It's a tie, 25-25. The team that gets the last point wins. I hope my team wins so that I could get into the club.

"Chance ball!" I shouted. One of my teammates tossed the ball to my direction and I did a feint. The whistle blew. We won.

"Congratulations! You're part of the club!" The girl from earlier said, clapping with a proud grin. "Thank you.." I said panting. "Since you're part of the club now, please introduce yourself!" She said energetically. I nodded and did so, "Hello, my name is Sakusa Naomi. Nice to meet you." I introduced my self and then bowed.

After bowing, I noticed that the club members were staring at me with wide eyes. "I'm sorry but, did I hear 'Sakusa'? Or was I imagining it?" She asks not sure if she heard that right. "No, it's right. I'm the younger sister of Sakusa Kiyoomi." Everyone was shocked on what I just said. Of course not many people know that The Sakusa Kiyoomi has a younger sister, but of course it isn't a secret.

"I see... Girls, listen up! I don't want you becoming friends with Naomi-san just because she is the younger sister of Kiyoomi-senpai! Got it!" She warned her team. "Yes!" They all said in unsion. I smiled at what she said. 'Being in school is nice...' I melted into the thought.

"Ok. Let's start the introductions! I'm Akamine Kyoko, the captain of the team. Nice to meet ya!"

"Hagiwara Kirumi! Nice to meet you!"
"Yo! Katayama Kurumi."
"I'm Fujiwara Emi!"
"'Sup! I'm Matsutani Shizue! I'm the vice-captain!Nice to meet ya!"
"Hello! I'm Shinsati Hikaru!"
"Hi! I'm Ritsushima Katsumi!"
"Yo! I'm Amani Nomi!"
"Hey ya! I'm Mitsugi Yuriko!"
"Congratulations on getting in! I'm Aomine Tomiju!"
"Hi! I'm Kitamura Ran"
"Hello! I'm Kazehaya Tokie!"
"What's good! I'm Tsujihara Anzu!"
"Hi, I'm Kitani Mayoko."
"Yo! Naegi Wakasa in the building!"
And so on... 'There's so many members. As expected of a volleyball powerhouse.' I sweat dropped, wondering how I'm going to remember all of their names.

"Nice to meet you too." Not gonna lie but, I'm really an introvert when it comes to situations like this but if it lasts long then I'll probably be more extroverted around them.


Club ended a few minutes ago and now I'm waiting for my brother to change. 'Why does he change so slow? Isn't he an athlete?' I complained about how I have been waiting outside for 10 minutes. 'The hell is he doing in there? Is he making out with someone? Ha! As if!' Still complaining.

Finally he gets out all ready to go. "Sorry if I took too long." He says. "If? You did take too long!" I scoffed at my brother. He didn't respond. 'How rude...' and here I'am still complaining...


As we neared the gate we saw our driver waiting. "Good evening." The driver greeted. We both went in and we drove home.

I have a really bad feeling that my entire body is going to be sore tomorrow... no scratch that, my body is already sore.

Our house is just 20 minutes away but our parents never let us go back home alone ever again. I myself isn't that traumatized by it since it happened all to fast and because I was still young back then. Ah but then again, I think the doctor said I lost some memories due to the impact. But nevermind that, I'm safe and alive, and that's all that matters.


We now have reached home. Before the driver could park the car into the garage, he let us out and into the house.

When we entered, we saw both of our personal maids waiting for us. "Okaerinasai, Naomi-sama." "Okaerinasai, Kiyoomi-sama." Both said in unsion. We nodded at the welcoming. They both took our bags and we went to our rooms.

I took of my clothes then went into the shower.

After showering, I went to my closet and picked out my plain all black silk pajamas.

I went down to eat dinner and bumped into Kiyo along the way. And to our surprise, both our parents were waiting for us in the dining area.

"Mom? Dad? Is it your anniversary today?" I asked them since they're only together whenever it's someones birthday or if it's their anniversary. "Oh no. We both just have a day-off today." Father explained. I just nod and went to sit down.

Tonights dinner is Tofu Soup. Delicious.

Hello! As you know Akashi's favorite food is Tofu soup- well that's what I heard.

I have absolutely no idea how this stories gonna end. I'm just writing whatever comes to mind really. I also have no idea when Akashi will show hehe..

By the way, their mother is a detective and their father is a doctor. In this story, the Sakusa family is rich like the Akashi family. Their father own a hospital by the way.

Sincerely, Z. <3

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