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I woke up from my sleep at 7 a.m.. I got up from my bed and changed my clothes.

I went down to the dining area and saw all of the members sitting down. They all looked at me. "What?" I said. "N-nothing.." Tomiju replied. "You look like you're going to kill someone." Hayama said. They looked at him with wide eyes, meanwhile I raised my brow at him. 'Do I really look like a murderer when I wake up?' I mentally questioned myself.

"Sorry, Sakusa.." He apologized after a bit of quiet nagging from my teammates. "It's fine." I assured. 'No wonder my sibling looked afraid when I went downstairs for breakfast back then.' I thought.

I sat down and ate my breakfast. 'I wonder what we'll do today. Should I tell captain that my muscles are sore? Nah.' I decided mentally.

I quietly ate in silence. Once I was done I put the plate in the sink and went back to my room to change into my gym clothes.


Once I finished getting ready, I went outside of my room and saw my team looking at me. "What?" I ask. "You still look like a grumpy demonic murderer." Captain bluntly said. "Thank you for pointing that out." I sarcastically thanked her and walked past them to go to the gym.

While I was walking to the gym, my team was watching my every step as if I would murder someone on the spot- well I would consider it if they continued doing so.

"Excuse me but, if you continue doing that I will actually consider murdering someone on the spot." I said looking back at them. "Sorry.." They all said.

We continued walking and reached the gym.

We entered and started training.

"Hello girls." Coach Shirogane greeted. "Hello." We greeted back.

"I'm sorry for the sudden change but today we will be switching our training regimen." He announced. "What does that mean?" Tomiju asked. "It means your team will be doing our teams training regimen every other day." He explains. "Oh... I see. Fine by me." She says. We all nodded in agreement. "Well then it settled. Training starts now, girls." He says.

"Ah! I just remembered, we suck at basketball..." Captain says and they all nod except for me. They all look at me wondering why I didn't nod along with them. I got why they were looking at me and said, "Oh, I know how to play." I said plainly. "Eh?!" They said shocked. "I used to play basketball with my brother- uh, Aoki and a childhood friend of mine." I explained. "Ohh..." They all said.

I knew they were going to ask me to teach them but I don't really like teaching— no, I just can't teach. Once I tried teaching my younger cousin and somehow I ended up failing. So before they could ask me, I walked away and grabbed a basketball.

I went to the court and dribbled the ball. 'I wonder if I still have the skills, after all it's been years since I last tried basketball.' I wondered.

I step back a few steps and then I jumped. 'Hope it wasn't too hard.' I hoped. I have really bad control over my strength.

I went to the basket and tried out some more tricks before going onto the actual Rakuzan training regimen.

I looked at the clock inside the gym and decided that my skills were fine and I started to do their training regimen.

"Naomi!" A yellow haired player called. "Do you want to do a one-on-one?" He asked with sparkles in his eyes. "Su-" I was then cut off by a red head. "With me." He says. Hayama backs down and looks worried. I know what he's worrying about, Me. He's worried about me because I'm gonna have a one-on-one with The Akashi Seijuro, the Captain of Generation of Miracles, the one who lead them to victory.

𝐌𝐫. 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐫  ||  𝑨𝒌𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊 𝑺𝒆𝒊𝒋𝒖𝒓𝒐 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now