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I woke in the worst way possible. Daiki farted in my face. 'God I could still smell it. Just how long does the smell last?!' I mentally complained.

"Wake up Vegeta." Daiki talks into my ear. "Gah! Daiki!" I yelled. "Heh~ what?" He teasingly questions. "If you do that one more time, I will personally end your life in the most brutal and slow way possible." I threatened with demonic eyes. Daiki backs off by a couple feet and bows. "Sorry, never again." He sweats.

"What time is it?" I groggily stood up. "5:30 a.m." Satsuki replies, shining like a sun. 'Woah, too bright.. too early in the morning..' I drowsily thought. My back humped like a camel due to lack of sleep, eyes with eye bags looking like a black garbage bag, and lips as dry as the Sahara Desert. I practically look like a dead person— thanks to that description and my pale skin.

"Nao, what time do you go to school?" Satsuki asks. "6:00 a.m. why?-! Holy shit!" I cursed. I jolted out of the bed and get my uniform from my bag.

I run out of the bathroom and go downstairs. "Hey sweetie-?" Yuki-san get's cut off by me slamming the door closed.

I opened it again and looked at them. "Sorry won't eat. Goodbye." I say, and once again I slam the door closed.

I took Daiki's bike to ride to school. 'I'll just text him sorry later.' I thought, pedaling as fast as I could just so I wouldn't be late for school.


I finally reached school. "Woah, what happened to you?" Komori asked. "Huh? Oh, hello Komori, Kiyo. I just used the bike to go here." I panted. "Uhh, water?" Komori handed his water bottle. "No thanks, I have my own." I said, as I stood up straight and took my water bottle from my bag.

I drank almost half of it due to exhaustion. "Oh by the way, I heard Rakuzan High is going to visit." Komori suddenly said. I spit out the water remaining in my mouth. "What?!" I yelled. "Rakuzan is what?!" I continue yelling. "Shut up. Don't worry, Rakuzan's visiting at noon, it's still 6:00." Kiyo throws the tissue box at me. "Ow.." I rub my nose.

"Seems like captain missed you." A feminine voice suddenly said. "Wah! Satsuki!" I flinched. "Oh, hello Satsu! Nice to see you again." Komori greets with a smile. "Ah! Hello Mori-kun!" Satsuki greets in the same energy. "I'm here too." A bored voice says. "Hi Daiki!" Komori greets as he waves his hand. Meanwhile, Kiyo is just standing there judging out entire existence with an all crunched up face that says 'ew' all over it. "But, what did Satsu mean about that 'seems like captain missed you' thing?" Komori asks. "Uhh...! Hey would you look at that! It's time for class!" I said as I ran away from the four.

As I was running, I suddenly bumped into a person. "Ouch.." I hissed at the pain. "Oh, sorry mis- Sakusa?" A familiar voice called. I look ho and saw it was my seatmate, Inazuma Hajime. "Inazuma!" I called back. "Do you need help?" He asks as he held out his hand. I take his hand. He pulled me up from the floor. "Thanks, Inazuma." I thanked the black haired boy. "No problem." He smiles with his two canine teeth. "Uhm, have you heard about Rakuzan visiting?" He scratches his head. "Ah, yeah. Do you know anyone from there?" I ask, not looking up to him since I'm still dusting off the dirt on my skirt. "Yeah I do." He mumbles. "Oh? Who is it?" I asked, looking at his vibrant red eyes. "Inazuma Keisuke. He's my older brother." He mumbles. 'Keisuke? Ah! That guy.' I figured.

"Oh him! Are you guys distant? You don't really seem excited about seeing him." I questioned. "No not really.." He replies. "I see. Well, good luck, Inazuma." I then leave him alone.

I walked to the classroom and saw the boys' basketball captain in front of the door.

"Captain?" I called as I tapped his shoulder with my pinky. "Oh! Hello Sakusa! Do you need anything?" He asks with a smile. "Shouldn't that be my question? You're in front of my classroom." I raise my eyebrow. "Aha, sorry I was just waiting for our manager, she seems to be late. I'll com-" I cut him off. "She's absent. Nishihara Haruka, right?" I said. "I see, do you know anyone that could be our temporary manager? We really need one today." He questions. "I could do it." I raise my hand slightly. "What? But don't you have practice?" He asks. "No, today we've been given a day off of practice." I informed. "I see. Then I'll see you later then."

𝐌𝐫. 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐫  ||  𝑨𝒌𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊 𝑺𝒆𝒊𝒋𝒖𝒓𝒐 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now