𝐎𝐨𝐩𝐬! 𝐒𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲!

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It has been about... 2 months? Since I joined the volleyball team and it's finally Inter-High. Well not right now but tomorrow.

Inter-High is a volleyball tournament that happens every year to determine who gets into the actual Inter-High. But before the actual Inter-High, each team that has won must go to the preliminaries. If you win the preliminaries then you can go to the actual Inter-High.

Anyways, our team is currently training really hard right now.

If you're asking how I'am right now, I'm currently in the verge of death. This training regimen is really too hard. But it will probably be worth it during the Inter-High. Fortunately, our bodies adapt to daily training, meaning my body won't be sore as much as they did before.


It's now Inter-High. I'm nervous... it's my first official game.

Currently I'm in the car with Kiyo since his Inter-High is also on the same day. "Win." That one word from Kiyoomi gave me motivation. Kiyoomi doesn't really say things like that but if he does, it really gives you motivation. I don't know how it does, but it does.

I we were nearing the gymnasium and I checked my watch and I saw it was already 15:00...! Oh crap! I'm gonna be late for my match! "Stop here! No questions!" I ordered the driver.

I went out of the car and I ran all the way to the gymnasium. Thank goodness the gym is just right there. 'Lucky Kiyo! His match starts after mine!' I groaned.

I was running really fast thanks to my training and I wasn't bumping into people. It's a special talent I have. Ah... maybe I said that too soon?

I bumped into a person and I fell down. "Sorry!" I got up quickly after apologizing. "Huh?" I slowed down a little, glancing behind me to see the guy I bumped into. 'Red hair? Isn't that... no, I must be mistaken. Rakuzan is all the way in Kyoto.'

I spotted the the area I was supposed to be in and went in.

"You're late!" Akamine-san yelled. "Sorry! I accidentally bumped into someone.." I mean it wasn't false, but I wasn't going to tell her that I woke up late. Last time I said that, Akamine gave me a huge lecture and scolding.

She sighed and just let me sit at the bench. Thank god she didn't make me warm up. I feel like that run was my warm up.

I looked up into the bleachers and saw many people including Kiyo. 'Why is he here? Ah- wait- he doesn't have a game yet does he?' I though spotting Kiyoomi up there.

"Oi Sakusa-san! Were starting." Tomiju-kun said. I nodded in response.


Itachiyama girl's volleyball team VS Ohgiminami High's girl's volleyball team.

This match was easy. But something about my tosses felt different. I looked at my nails and saw that they grew. Oh... oh well. We won in the end anyways. But I'll cut my nails in the future to make sure of our victory. 'Why am I thinking like that...?' I mentally said because I was acting like I was some all time victorious player. Reminds me of someone.

Anyways, we won, and I'm hungry. I want food so bad. I wonder if there's a cafeteria here. Obviously there would be; I think? I'll check this place out and see if there's a cafeteria. We don't have a game so maybe I can roam.

"Captain." I said as I walked to her. "Yes?" Wow. Her hairs all messy... "Can I roam around the gym?." "Ok, but don't get lost." I nod.

I went outside the court and saw that the basketball Inter-High is also today. 'Just how much athletes are here today...' I sweat dropped at the thought. From a glance, this place looks identical to a mall and not a gymnasium.

Let's see what teams are here today for the basketball tournament....

Seirin High
Shūtoku High
Tōō Academy
Senshinkan High
Seihō High
Kirisaki Daiichi High
Josei High
And more schools I don't know about.

'Tōō Academy? Isn't that the school D went to?Maybe after I check the cafeteria I'll go check then out. Their games aren't done until 22:00 anyways.' I shrugged. 

I left the billboard and went to the cafeteria.

I finally spotted the cafeteria after a few turns. I went to the food stalls and bought a Ham & Cheese Sandwich. I actually don't know if I should eat this but oh well.


After buying my food I went to the basketball court where it says Shūtoku VS Seirin.

Seems like they're already on the second quarter. Hmm... 56-43 in favor of Shūtoku.

Shūtoku will go to the actual Inter-High, but they will lose this match, but I'm pretty sure Shūtoku will win their next rematch.

Well would you look at that. I finished my food. Well back to my team I guess.

... they're watching the match too... I sit beside them and Shizue says, "Oh hey! You're back!" "Actually I was here the whole time, watching the match." I scratched the back of my head.


Wow that match was amazing! And apparently I'm right. Wow that feels good, no wonder dad likes being right.

We exited the basketball court and I saw Kiyoomi standing in the corner. I walked up to him and said, "Let's go?" He nods and I say goodbye to my teammates who's jaws are on the floor.

We get in the car and we drive home.

Hello! Sorry this chapter is shorter.

Akashi will show up soon I think. Hopefully.

Sincerely, Z. :)

𝐌𝐫. 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐫  ||  𝑨𝒌𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊 𝑺𝒆𝒊𝒋𝒖𝒓𝒐 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now