𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬

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"Wake up, Naomi." Someone says while shaking me awake. "Huh?" I said while looking around. "Wake up." Kiyo says. "Oh, we're here?" I ask. Kiyo nods. I stand up and walked out of the bus to get my things.

"Naomi-chan!!" A high pitched voice yelled. I looked back and saw a small girl running really fast my way. "Eh-!"

Baam! And we ended up on the floor. "Who are yo- Satsuki?" I recognized the small pink haired girl. "You became so tall!" She gasped with stars in her eyes. I chuckled at her behavior. I stood up with her still clinging on me, she was hanging from the ground since I'm taller than her by a few inches. "Waaa! You're so tall I'm being lifted off the ground! You're really strong too!" She says with a laugh and a smile. "Heh, yeah, training paid off, I guess." I said. "Training? I thought you weren't supposed to do stuff like that." She questioned. "I healed." I said. "But-" I cut her off by shushing her, telling her that it's fine and my parents allowed me. "What club are you in then?" She asks. "Volleyball." I said with a black face while putting her down onto the ground. "Nice choice! But I thought you would do basketball?" She asked. "I wanted to but the volleyball gym is nearer to the gate." I explain. "I see." She replies sweat dropping at my simple answer. "By the way, where's Daiki?" I ask.

"Right here." A deep voice says from behind me. I turn around and saw the one and only Aomine Daiki, the Ace of The Generation of Miracles, in the flesh. "Diki!" I said with a smile while hugging the man. "I told you not to call me by that name!" He yells. "Quiet! You're gonna make my ear bleed!" I say as I looked beside me and saw no one. 'Seems like they left.' I thought. "Nice body, Nao" he smirks. I punched his stomach, which ended with him on the ground crouching in pain.

"Uh..." A voice was heard.  "Oh captain!" I said. "Who are they?" Akamine-san asked. "Ah, this one is Aomine Daiki, the Generation of Miracles' Ace." I introduced while pointing to the blue haired idiot. "Yo." He salutes. "And this is Momoi Satsuki, the former manager of the Generation of Miracles and is the current manager of Too Academy." I continued while pointing to the pink haired female. "G-G-Generation of Miracles?!" She yelled out of shock. "Yup." I said nodding along with the two Too students. "B-b-but how do y-you know them?" Captain asks. "I only these two, the others I don't know personally. They're my childhood friends." I explained to the tall captain who's jaws are on the floor. "I see." She says with her hand on her chin. "By the way, Nao-kun," Momoi starts. "Hmm?" I responded. "Where did you guys go?" Satsuki asks. "Training camp." I reply. "That's nice! But I hope you didn't exert yourself too much." She worries. "Don't worry I didn't, oh and I saw your captain." I mentioned. "Imayoshi?" She asks. "No, it was uhh what his name? Ah, Akashi Seijuro." I reply.

The two was shocked to hear that. "A-Akashi-kun?" Momoi stutters. "Mhm, we had training camp with them in his villa." I continued. I have a feeling the more I continued, the more the get shocked. "I met his father too, he seemed scary. No wonder where Akashi got his terrifying aura from." I said while thinking back to the training camp. "Y-you trained with him?!" It was Daiki's turn to say something. "Correction, he invited us. We were actually planning to stay at some resort near the beach instead of the Akashi Villa." I corrected. "Who are you talking about?" Aomine asks with his face near mine. "Akashi Seijuro?" I reply. "Nuh uh. The Akashi I know doesn't just invite anyone-" He was cut off by me. "Let's talk about this at you house later. Tell your mom that I'm gonna visit." I said then walked away from the pair.


School's ended and now I'm on my way to tell Kiyo that I'm gonna visit the Aomine Household. Luckily, I bumped into Komori who was apparently going to visit a first year that recently joined.

"Ah, Komori." I called out. "Oh, hello Naomi! What do you need?" Komori greeted. "Could you tell Kiyo that I'm going to visit the Aomine household and if he asks who they are just reply by saying 'Diki'. Thanks." I told him then left before he could even finish.

𝐌𝐫. 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐫  ||  𝑨𝒌𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊 𝑺𝒆𝒊𝒋𝒖𝒓𝒐 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now