𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐂𝐚𝐦𝐩

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It was dinner time! Everyone was tired and hungry from training, including me. 'I wonder what kinds of food are there...' I wondered, imagining the flavorful food waiting for me on the table.

"Kiyo, where do we sit..." I asked him, looking at the cafeteria noticing that every table was very crowded. "Hey! Sakusa! Naomi!" A familiar voice yelled. We looked at his direction and saw Komori sitting at a table with only him and food. 'How thoughtful. He saved seats for us.' I smiled, barely enough for anyone to see— although I was wearing a mask.

We walked towards Komori's table and sat down beside him. "Thanks for saving us seats." I thanked. "Yeah, no problem! Although, it was quite hard to save them because there were many people who wanted to talk..." He sweat dropped. "Aw~ Komori's popular!" I teased. Kiyo chuckled a bit.

"Itadakimasu." We ate in peace.


Kiyo finished eating before Komori and I. We saw him stand up, leaving behind his tray.

We saw him starting to walk towards a certain table. Komori and I look at each other in panic, "Kageyama Tobio." We hurriedly finished our food and put all three away. We speed-walked our way to Kiyo.

"Sorry about that!" Komori apologized to Kageyama and... broccoli no. 2. "He's as negative as you can get." I raised an eyebrow, looking at Kiyo. "He has to know everything about anyone who could be a threat to him." I explained. "I'm not negative. I'm just cautious." He squinted his eyes. "You actually haven't gotten serious yet, have you, Sakusa." Kageyama butted in. "What makes you say that?" Sakusa asked. "It's just a feeling. I mean, you're way more normal than what I'd imagine you'd be like, so far." He bluntly explains.

Komori and I snickered at his comment. "Right now, he thinks his shoulders aren't doing so great." Komori chuckled. "Though in his case, it's usually just in his head. I guess there's nothing bad about being cautious about that." Komori smiles. "Bath time." Kiyo leaves. "Already?" Komori and I said. "I'm taking one before anyone else can fill the tub with thier germs." He says. "Sorry to bother you guys!" Komori also left. "Sorry." I mumbled then also left. 'I should probably also take a bath.' I considered.


"Komori, you're next." I said, rubbing my hair with a dry towel. "Nao, let's play uno after I shower." Komori says, showing the pack of uno from his bag. "Sure. You in, Kiyo?" I looked at the black haired man sitting in a corner watching volleyball matches on his phone. "No." He quickly responded. I looked back at Komori, "Hurry up from the shower, it's already 11:45." I sat down on the floor.

It's been a good 8 minutes and Mori is finally out of the bathroom. "What took you so long?" I raised a brow at him. "I was killing a roach.." He replies, looking like he had seen a ghost. "Ew." I looked at him with disgust. "I showered after I killed the thing, don't worry." He assured as he sat down in front of me, taking the uno deck from my hands. "We're gonna start now, Kiyo. Ya had a change of mind?" I asked, focused on Mori's shuffling. "No." I heard a mumble. "Suit yourself." I said.


"Uno!" I yelled before Komori could say 'catch'. "Argh! How could you win 5 times in-a-row?!" Mori sulked. "I guess the 'uno god' is on my side tonight." I talked back at the sulking libero. "One more rou-" "It's already 11:00 pm, go to sleep." Kiyo groans from behind me. "Ah? It's that time already? I guess time does go by fast when you're with your favorite people." Komori shrugged. "Should we continue this tomorrow?" He asked as he stood up from where he originally sat. "No." I reply. "Ok." He yawns. "Good night, Nao." He lazily waves his hand at me as he slides into his futon. "Good night, Mori." I, too, began to feel the sleepiness kick in. 'Thank goodness us 3 share a room by ourselves, or else everyone else would be complaining by how noisy we were..' I thought as I drifted into dreamland. 'Can't wait for tomorrow.'

Hi guys! Sorry for not updating earlier... I was sick and I had school work to finish. I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Since it's almost summer, maybe I will be updating more often. Which reminds me, when this book will finish I will be editing some chapters and there might be a major change so please re read it if you wish.

I'm very sorry for the short chapter, the next one will be much longer!

- Love, Z.

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