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It's finally the last day of nationals. Meaning, today is the day they're going to announce the new members of the National team for the volleyball division.

We don't know when of today they'll announce it but, it's exciting.

"Aren't you guys excited?! It's the official announcement for the Volleyball Team Japan!" Wakasa exclaims. "Wakasa, it's too early for your crap. Shut up." I groggily sit up. "Oh, sorry." She apologizes. "It's fine. Anyways, get ready. Nobody plays in a National tournament in pajamas." I judged. "Right."


"Over here!" Captain waved her hand around. "Hey there, Cap." Wakasa smiled. "Today we're going to be playing four matches. Eat and rest well after each match, ok?" Captain says. "Yes, ma'am." We say in unison.

"Well would you look at that folks! The next match is a match between Itachiyama Girls' Volleyball Team and Niiyama Girls' High!" An announcer started talking into the mic.

"We're next already?!" Tomiju exclaims. "Yes? You got a problem?" Emi smiled. "N-no.." I chuckle at Tomiju's nervous reply. "Come on, we don't want to be late."


We entered the court, obviously nervous. I mean, who wouldn't be? It's the finals.

The boys' team are also in the finals. It doesn't matter if they win or not, what matters is that my team wins— well it would be great if the boys win because if they lose I do not want to deal with a sulky Kiyoomi.

"Alright girls, it's time for warm up." Captain Akamine waves her hand.

'The match hasn't even started yet, but I already am starting to hate on gravity.' I groan.

"Warm up's are done, people! What's next? Well it's the match of course! Get comfy in your seats and watch the match that will determine the winner!" The announcer speaks into his mic.


"I hate this." I said, wiping off the sweat from my forehead. "I hate everything about nationals. The only thing that's driving me is the drive to win." I glare, unintentionally, at my teammates. "You can't do anything about it, Naomi. And besides, you get to hear the announcement of the new Japan Representatives later." Captain tried to cheer me up. "I could also hear about the announcement as a part of the audience." I angrily drink my water. "Why are you so angry anyways?" Wakasa asked. "Why? I'm all sweaty and covered in germs! I smell awful and I look like crap! That's why." I scoff. "Oh."

We go back on court after our break.

"Wait! I'm very sorry for interrupting in the middle of your match! But I have received the list of the Youth Representatives of Japan! The secretary of the leader has told me to announce it right away." He said. 'Well I get more rest.' I shrug.

"I will now announce the lucky volleyball athletes!"

"Kageyama Tobio, Miya Atsumu, Bokuto Kotaro, Sakusa Kiyoomi, Ojiro Aran, Hoshiumi Korai, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Kiryu Wakatsu, Hinata Shoyo, Suna Rintaro, Yaku Morisuke, Komori Motoya, Hirugami Shoko, Amanai Kanoka, and Sakusa Naomi!" The names were announced.

When I heard my brother and my cousins name, I felt so proud of them. But when I heard my name, I felt frozen. I couldn't hear anything, I couldn't move, heck I couldn't even talk! My eyes were widened at the shock of even hearing my name on the list. I, of course, expected my brother and cousin to be there. After all, they are one of the best in high school. But me? I least expected to even hear my name, my given name, my first name, on that list. What I felt was surreal. Was it joy? Probably. Was it fear? Why fear? Probably because of the national matches. I mean, in terms of professionalism, I'm just a rookie. I'm basically nothing compared to the pro's we see on the big screen.

Yet, who am I to doubt myself? I made it here, in nationals. The biggest event for volleyball athletes and fans. I'am currently standing on the big stage. If I accept this, I will be standing, not only on the national stage, but if I win continuously, I will be standing on the global stage. It's anyone's biggest dream, to stand on top of the world.

This. This is what I was aiming for. Obviously I was expecting my name to be on their list someday, but I didn't expect that someday, to be today.

Let's go back to what I'm feeling, fear and joy. Fear; an emotion that I feel right now in this very moment, simply because I'am afraid of what lies in front of me; what lies ahead of me. I'm afraid that if I fail, I will lose this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I'am afraid that I will lose and feel like crap. But, I'am also happy; I'am happy that I was included in the list. I'am overjoyed to hear my name on that list. I'am happy because this was my dream.

I'am so happy and so scared, right now, that I can't even do anything. Not even talking, moving, or even stand.

I fell down to my knees in shock.

Once I heard my given name announced, I fell down onto my knees. I cried tears of happiness and fear. I could also vaguely hear the voices of my teammates cheering for me. I could vaguely hear their footsteps coming towards me.

My vision was blurry, yet I could still see the look on my brothers face. He was smiling. "Oh my god..." I whispered.

I hugged my captain. She lifted me up whilst I hugged her. "Congratulations! I'm so proud of you!" She smiles. I could feel her tears on my neck. Probably because of how proud she is.

She put's me down, and my brother approaches me. "I'm only going to do this now, and only now." He hugs me. "Congratulations, Naomi. Mom, Dad, and I are proud of you." He rubs my back. "I'm proud of you too, Kiyo." I sniffle, whispering with a smile on my face.

Hii!! Sorry for the late update! I was busy. My schedule was PACKED!

Anyways, she's made it. I hope you like this chapter just how I like it.

I tried to express her feelings in the best way possible, but oh well.

With love, Z.

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