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I sat down on my chair and laid my head down. 'This headache should be part of the Guinness World Record's for being the worst headache of them all.' I silently groaned at the pain.

"Sakusa-san?" A female voice called. "Hmm?" I turned to her. "The coach of the volleyball team has requested for all volleyball members to gather in the 1st gym." She shyly announced. "I see. Thank you for telling me." I smiled a bit.

I stood up from my desk and groaned silently, for the headache hasn't gone yet.


I walked towards the 1st gym and opened the steel doors. I look up and see all the members of the Itachiyama Institute Volleyball Club. 'Oh wow.' I thought, surprised everyone actually came for some reason.

"Well, now that everybody's present I will now commence this meeting." Our coach started.

"In a few weeks December will start. I have received invitations for the All-Japan Youth Camp." The coach mentioned. "Youth Camp? I heard that's a camp for exceptional players. I wish I could join." Some whispered.

"I will now say the names of the invited that include other schools. Sakusa Kiyoomi, Komori Motoya, Kageyama Tobio, Miya Atsumu, Hoshiumi Korai, and more. That's all for the men's volleyball youth camp. For the women's we have, Sakusa Naomi, Matsutani Shizue, Aomine Tomiju, Amanai Kanoka, Yonezawa Maiko, Hirugami Shoko, and more. That's all for today. Congratulations for those who got invited to the All-Japan Youth Camp! I wish you the best of luck and I hope you all will train hard. Meeting concluded." The coach ended the meeting with the players clapping with happiness.

All of us heard the steel door creek. We all turned around and looked at the door and saw Rakuzan and Tōō.

"Are we disturbing something?" Imayoshi asked. "No. Our meeting just ended, you may use the gym now." The coach smiled. "Ah, thank you." Reo thanked.

All volleyball players walked out of the 1st gym and returned to their classrooms to get their things and pack up.

"That meeting so long school ended already." Tomiju said. "Well, would you rather stay seated in your seat doing absolutely nothing but study boring stuff?" Tokie dead panned. "Oh.. I guess you're right. It's better to get stuck in a volleyball meeting than sit around all day in living hell." Tomiju agreed.

"Let's go get our things so we can go back to our houses, hm?" Akamine suggested. "K." I replied.

"Oh, by the way are you guys ready for the Christmas party tomorrow?" Tomiju excitedly asked. "Yep! I have my dress all ready!" Shizue exclaimed. "What about you, Naomi-chan?" Tomiju asks. "I also have my dress ready. My mom and sister was a bit too excited about it.." I sweat dropped. "A-ah..." Tomiju says, imagining how it went.

"Well, we better hurry to our classrooms if we want to get a good night's sleep." Akamine-san said. "Yep!" They smiled and hurried away.

We all then walked away to our own ways and headed back home.


While I was walking home, I spotted my brother and his teammates... all of them. 'How unusual.' I smirked.

I walked past them because I was fairly tired for some reason.

"Oh! Hey there Omi-kun's little sister!" Their captain greeted. 'Hm? Iizuna Tsukasa? Was that his name?' I thought. I turned around to face the team of champions. "Wanna walk with us?" He asks. "No." I bluntly rejected, no 'sorry' squeezed in the sentence. "Ouch. She really is Omi-kun's little sister." One of Kiyo's teammates said. "You just got rejected by her. Deserved." Teammate No.2 said. "Omi-kun! Did you hear? Captain used to have a little crush on your sister? Since he used to go to your house back when you guys were little." The vice-captain said. "He did?" Teammate No.4 tries to confirm. "I did. Not anymore." He firmly said.

"Nao." Kiyo suddenly called my name just before I turn to the left.

I looked at him curious why. "Come here." He commands. I walk towards him. "Why?" I asked, honestly quite annoyed I couldn't get home sooner. "If you walk with us I won't snitch on you." He provokes. "U-uh... I'll walk with you guys. Let's have a great time!" I smile, scared at the thought of my parents hearing about that.

'What's he thinking? He never really allows this considering how much of a protective brother he is even though he doesn't show it.' I curiously thought.

I was walking off-path subconsciously due to my deep thinking. Kiyo, being the great brother he is, pulled me to the middle of the side walk switching out places so I wouldn't walk into the middle of the road due to my deep thinking.

His captain was the one to keep me on track this time while he was discussing some boring shit with his team. He and the team was aware of the family phobia so he kept me on track by pulling on my jacket.

Meanwhile... 'I'm suffering. Why was I forced to do this? Can't Kiyo just tell me? I can't read minds you know?' I grimly thought.

I was then snapped out of deep thought when I saw my house coming into view. We walk further towards the house. "Here we are. See you-" The captain was then cut off by Komori by saying, "Why don't you guys stay here for a bit? After all, it's been a long time since the Sakusa household has had visitors." Kiyo and I looked at Komori in the same way, surprised.

We looked at each other knowing what would happen if they actually went inside our house. Chaos. Why? Our siblings are at home and the last time this very situation happened we weren't able to sleep until 3 a.m..

"Komori, why don't you come here for a sec?" I menacingly said with a smile on my face. "Sure!" I smiles as if nothing happened the last time.

"Are you crazy?! Last time this happened we weren't able to sleep until early morning! The house was messy too! And tomorrow, we have an event! So we can't afford to stay up until 3!" I whisper yelled at Komori while holding his collar. "Ok, ok. I'll tell them they only get to stay here until 9:30." He said with his hands up while sweating. "That's not the point, Komori." This time it was Kiyo who spoke. "Naomi and I don't want any visitors at home because then it would be a crowd. Besides, our sister is a party person, telling them to leave at 9:30 would be useless since our sister would just be forcing them to stay." He finishes. "He's right Komori. Then we'd have to stay up late because of the mess our sister made. That would take forever too." I said. "You know, if you just really didn't want them in your home why don't just bluntly tell them 'no', like you always do?" He asks. "Because the captains here." Me and Kiyo said, simultaneously. "Oh." Komori said.

Us three walk back to the team. "Sorry, turns out we can't. We have an event tomorrow and we have to wake up early." Komori smiles with a hint of sadness.

"I see. We could visit next time anyways, it's not like the world would end right away, right?" Tsukasa chuckles. "We'll be off now." He smiles. "Bye." The three of us says in a monotone voice.

"Well, my house is just 2 blocks away. I'll be going now too." Komori says, then walks away.

"That was close." I mumbled. "You're right. Suzuki could be just behind the door waiting to make her move." Kiyo says. "You're right. But then again, maybe she went to sleep early because mom gave her a scolding about tomorrow." I say.

Kiyo and I look at each other. "As if." We both say.

I open the front door and let myself in.

"Kiyo?" I called. He turns around to face me. "What was that all about?" I asked. "What was what, about?" He asks, confused. "Why did you tell me to walk with you guys?" I continue. "For you to be my shield when I sense anyone about to touch me." He says in his usual monotone voice. "You.." I said, mad at what he just said.

Just as I was about to reach him, our brother calls us. "What are you guys doing?" He asked, yawning, clearly woke up from his sleep to do something. "Nothing." We both say. "K." He then walks towards the bathroom. I look at Kiyo. "Goodnight." I say. "You too.". Then we walk our separate ways.

I can relate to godzilla.

Love, Z.

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