𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐬 𝐩𝐭. 𝐈𝐈𝐈

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"Naomi, wake up." A hand touched my head. "Oh, sorry." I rubbed my eyes. "No need to be sorry. Your teammates left you thought.." He chuckles. "What!" My eyes widened at what he said. "No, sorry, I'm kidding. They're just outside." He apologized. 'I thought he didn't know how to joke?' I quirked a brow. "What?" He curiously looks at me. "Nothing. Let's go." I grabbed my bag and, bold me, grabs his hand.

Once we reached the exit for the gymnasium, only then did I realize that I was holding his hand. 'Uh?' I thought, puzzled at what I did. 'Did I do that because I was feeling bold or did I do that because I had a time limit?' I continue thinking as I slowly let go of his hand. "Sorry, I had a time limit." I chuckle before leaving him inside the gymnasium, going outside to reunite with my members.

[Akashi Seijuro's pov]

"Sorry, I had a time limit." She smiles. 'Time limit? Did her team give her a few minutes before they leave her behind? And what was that earlier? Holding my hand..' I was in deep thought, looking at my hand which she touched. 'What is this feeling? What did she mean by time limit? And why did she hold my hand earlier?' A million questions started popping up in my head. "Sei-chan! Hurry up, we're going to miss the bus." Reo waves his hand. "Sorry." I whispered. "When are we going back? If it's after the winter cup for volleyball, then could we go to Harajuku? Or maybe Nagoya?" Hayam excitedly plans. "Sure, why not? But, as agreed, we'll only go after Nao-chan's matches." Reo nods. "But I heard after today, they'll get two to three matches per day. What if they finish at night?!" Hayama worries. "We'll do what Reo said but we'll watch only one. If we have nothing to do for the rest of the day, we could watch all two or three of their matches." I suggested. "As expected from Akashi!" The blonde's eyes sparkle at my idea. "Let's go back to the hotel, it's getting late." I lead the way.


[Sakusa Naomi's pov]

"Wah! It feels so good to lay down!" My two roommates exhale. "I'll shower first." I announce. "Wait, we're still going to have dinner." Wakasa stopped me. "Oh, right." I sigh as I dropped my towel onto the chair. "Oh, by the way, we've been invited to some kind of event in the hotel's restaurant." Wakasa announced. "What event?" The blueberry haired girl beside Wakasa wondered. "Are you talking about the international event?" I quirked up a brow. "Yeah, that one." Wakasa smiled.

"If we're going to an event like that, we should get dressed." I sigh. "What's with that international even anyways?" Tomiju lays back down on her bed. "The international event is an event that invite's CEO's, luxury brand's, sport team recruiter's, and more. All international, meaning there's many foreigners. It's an event that happens twice a year that either sponsors sponsors your school or business. Or they recruit you to be part of their team or become one of their staff. The CEO's that should be attending are the very known one's like Akashi's father, Akashi Masaomi or my father. They're the type of business men that you've heard of somewhere because of their booming business."

"The luxury brand's that should be attending are the one's that you probably heard of. Gucci, Chanel, Louis Vuitton, etc.. All the classics. They's here to either give you a chance to become their new fashion designer or if you're in the fashion business, sponsor you or something like that."

"As for the sport team recruiter's, they're here to recruit the athletes that have been invited into their team. They're either a team like MSBY or they're a national team of some sorts. It's a great opportunity for us players, really." I put on my blazer after finishing my explanation. "Wow, we're really luck to have gotten an invite." Tomiju jumps up from her bed. "Lucky? Oh no no no, our school has been invited to these type of events since our school has become a powerhouse." I smirked. "And I thought this school couldn't have been better!" She scoffed.

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