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'Who are you, Akashi Seijuro? Why do you feel like home?' I wondered.

"Omi... aomi... Naomi!" A voice called. "Huh?" I look up and see Komori. "We've reached your home." Komori smiles. "Oh. Well then, see you tomorrow, Komori." I smiled back at the brown haired male. "See you!" Komori bid goodbye with a smile.

"Are you sick?" Kiyo suddenly asks, being 2 meters away from me. "What? No. What makes you think that?" I asked in disbelief that Kiyo just asked me, Me! If I was sick. "You looked tired earlier and your mind seems to be somewhere else." He says, looking at me like a I'm a virus, distancing himself from me a bit.  "I was thinking. What kind of disease are you thinking about?" I asked. "Lovesick." He says. "Woah.. I didn't know you knew that word and it's meaning.." I blurted, shocked that Thee Sakusa Kiyoomi, knew the word 'Lovesick'. "I'm older than you. Obviously I know the word." He rolls his eyes at me.

I gasp dramatically. "Are you... on social media?" I question. Normally, Kiyo wouldn't care or he would think I was sick, well, he did, but a different kind of sick. "Shut up. Should I tell-" He was then cut off by yours truly. "Here's a deal. I'm not lovesick. I'm just thinking about why someone looks so familiar when I've never met them before." I mumble. "Hm." He humms.

He unlocks the front door to our house and we walk in.

"Oh? You two are here late, what happened?" A female voice asked. We turned our heads nervously towards the voice, hoping it wasn't our mother. Fortunately, it was our older sister, Suzuki. "Uh, Komori forced us to eat dinner with him." I explained, sweating, hoping she didn't over hear my conversation with Kiyo. "So you won't eat dinner with us then." She raised her eyebrow. "Nope." I smiled nervously. "Well then, see you tomorrow." She smiled then walked past us both.

Meanwhile, Kiyo was just standing there with no emotion visible on his face. "How dare you not help me." I said, dramatically offended. "If I helped you then it would be more suspicious." He rolled his eyes. "How would that be suspicious if you're good at lying?" I said.

Kiyo walks away from me. "Good night, Kiyo." I said. Kiyo walks away without saying anything. "Rude." I scoffed.


It's the next morning and I woke up looking like super saiyan Goku.

I groaned at the sunlight hitting my face, hating the fact that I had to go to school and do school work.

I groggily walked towards my bathroom to get ready for school. 'I hate the day, I hate how I have to wake up and go to school and then do homework. I want to stay at home and play video games or watch movies.' I complained, brushing my teeth angrily.

I walk down to the living room, looking like the devil's advocate himself.

"Have nice trip!" I vaguely heard. "Bye." I bid my goodbye and entered the car.


I road to school alone today, Kiyo had morning practice.

'How long is Rakuzan staying in Itachiyama again?' I thought. '2 weeks was it? God that's a long time- wait why am I so irritated by that fact?' I wondered.

I looked out the window, reimagining Akashi's face.

It's just as they said, Akashi Seijuro did have everything. Wealth, Fame, Power, including Arrogance, Sarcasm, that annoying smirk of his. But at the same time, he's handsome, loyal apparently, and the ideal boyfriend- well that's what I heard.

Anyways~ I have reached the school and I said goodbye to my father.

I walk towards the gate and see a certain group of basketball players.

'This is totally not the day to want loud voices..' I groaned at the loud voices that I could hear 360°.

To be honest, I don't really care right now if I just push through them, I have a really bad headache and I really really need to sit down and lay my head down for a while.

This editing stage is taking a long time.... I guess it's better than thinking of new ideas.

-Yours truly, Z. <3

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