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It was the next morning and it's currently, 5:30 a.m..

"Darling? Are you awake?" Mother called from the other side of my door. "Mmhmm.." I groaned. "Breakfast is ready. Get downstairs before it goes cold." Mother says. "Be right there." I said, soft enough to be a whisper.

I groggily walk up to my bathroom and wash my face. 'I hate life.' I thought, looking myself in the mirror.

I walk towards my closet and pick out my uniform. 'Why did I want to go to school? Why didn't I stay in homeschool.' I complained.

I open my door and see Aoki passing by. "Oh, you're awake. Let's eat breakfast." He says before walking down the staircase. I follow the white haired man to the dining area.

"What's today's breakfast?" Aoki wonders. "Waffle with chocolate syrup for Naomi, blueberry pancakes for you and Suzuki, and pancake with pancake syrup and butter for Kiyoomi." Mother informs with a heartwarming smile. "You really know us so well." Suzuki says smirking at our mother. "Of course, you all are my children after all." She smiles one more time before sitting down on her char.

After she sat down us siblings did the same and ate our breakfast.

"Naomi, what time will the party begin?" Father asks. "Around 6:30." I reply. "Hm." He hums.


Me and Kiyo walked to our destination because according to our father, we need to exercise. "Did father really forget about us being literal athletes?" I groaned. "Keep up, Naomi." Kiyo said, ahead of by a few steps. "I'm tired man.." I complained. "We're just walking to the school. And weren't you the one that said that we have the stamina because we're athletes?" Kiyo reminded. "Oh, right.." I sighed.

I keep up with Kiyo's pace all the way to school.  "Hey Kiyo." I called. He turns his head. "What'd ya think the party's gonna be like?" I questioned, looking up into the blue sky. "I don't know, I don't care. Small groups or not, I'm not gonna enjoy it anyways." He says. "I look at him as if I was offended.


We finally reached school after a 10 minute walk. I look at the time on my watch and saw that we only had 5 minutes left before class. "Oh crap.." I said, eyes wide open. "Kiyo, run." I said to him.

He jogged to class and I ran. "I thought we walked out of home pretty early? I also thought we we're walking quite fast too!?" I said, panting.

After a few steps we departed ways, he went upstairs as I continued forward. I check how much time I have left and there's 2 minutes on the clock.

I speed up my pace and reached the classroom before I become late. If I ever do, there goes the perfect attendance...

"Good morning, Ma'am." I said, panting from exhaustion. "Almost late, Miss Sakusa. Sit down." She smiles. I looked at the time and, fortunately, I was 20 seconds away from being late. 'Thank goodness I was into sports.' I thought.


It was finally lunch break. I walk towards the staircase to go downstairs into the cafeteria.

When I reached the staircase, I spot Kiyo, Komori, and people who I assume are Komori's friends. "Oh, hey Kiyo, Komori." I wave awkwardly. "Hi, Naomi!" Komori waves back. Kiyo walked towards me, pulling on my sleeve signaling me to walk with him instead of the others that's walking with him and Komori. "We'll be off first." I put on a lousy smile.

𝐌𝐫. 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐫  ||  𝑨𝒌𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊 𝑺𝒆𝒊𝒋𝒖𝒓𝒐 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now