𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐬

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It's been 3 weeks since that incident. Akashi and I surprisingly became closer to each other.

Decembers ending, meaning the All Japan High School Spring Tournament is just right around the corner. Trainings become tougher due to the Nationals, breaks have become lesser.

I forgot to mention, Winter Cup has ended. Me and my team watched the finals, eager to see who will win. In the end, Seirin won. We didn't know wether to cheer or to be sad, so we just stayed quiet. Akashi reverted back to his previous self, well that's what I heard from Daiki and Satsu. Akashi's still the same person except a little nicer and a but more... gentlemany? You know what I mean.

Oh and, rumor says that the announcer will announce the new Under 19 National Japan Volleyball team for both women's and mens.

This years Spring Nationals made everyone anxious due to the announcement at the end of the tournament. Which reminds me, the All-Japan Youth Camp is coming up, Kiyo, Komori, and I are getting ready for the training camp already.

Oh and, ever since 3 weeks ago, many students
from across Japan has heard about the arrangement. Luckily, Akashi's fangirls supported instead of the other option, which puts me into an easier spot so I don't have to stress about them. The problem is, the arrangement is the only thing in their minds, so it's the only question me and Akashi ever gotten ever since. To be honest, it's tiring.

"Yo, Naomi!" An excited voice called out from behind. I turned around and saw Hayama Kotaro, one of the Uncrowned Kings, and yes Rakuzan is here.

Surprisingly, Rakuzan doesn't do practice matches with their alumni's or university students like Shiratorizawa or Aoba Johsai, they actually train with other high schools.

"Oh hey, Hayama-sen-" Cut-offed, again. "No "senpais", 'kay?" He smiled, putting his index finger on my lips to prevent me from speaking anymore. I nod at his order. "So, Hayama, what brings you here in the volleyball gym?" I asked, pushing away his hand. "Hm? Oh, we got lost." He smiled as if nothing was wrong. "... You got lost?" I asked. "Yep!" He continued smiling. "... Turn right when you leave this gym, the Basketball gym is only two doors away." I sighed. "Thanks for the directions, Nao-chan!" He thanked me, then he proceeded to skip his way to his teammates happily like a child.

Akashi waves to me. "Hi." I whispered even though he can't hear me, and I wave back.

The famed emperors left, leaving us to continue practicing.

"Is this hell?" Tomiju complained. "Nothing we can do about it. Nationals is coming, training is needed." I said, drinking my energy drink. "You know, I pity you, Naomi." Tomiju looks at me. "Why?" I questioned. "You got extra hard training 'cuz of the Youth Camp." She snickers. "At least I'll become a better player than you are." I teased. "HEY!" She yelled as I walked past her to continue my current training.


It's been 2 days after Rakuzan's training with Itachiyama and Kiyo and I are doing some last minute pack-up's— well I'am. Akashi gave me a heart charm and bracelet before he left the school, and I'm gonna be honest with you, I don't really want to know if this is the expensive kind.

I pack up some other clothing that I forgot to pack a few days back. "And I'm ready to go!" I smiled.

I took my luggage off of my bed and left my room. I ran down to the car.

"Goodbye, mom! See you in 2 weeks!" I said, kissing her cheek before entering the car. "All right kids, got everything? Phone, wallet, charger, headphones?" Father asked from outside the car, talking to us through the window that was down. "Yes, dad." Both of us said in unison. "Ok, take them away, Taki." He ordered the driver.

We started driving, on our way to the All-Japan Youth Camp. Where elite players reside to train to become even better.

'I'm getting excited!' I said as I looked out of the window, smiling.


"Where here, Sakusa-sama." Our driver announced. He was parked a few meters away due to the policy wherein, no outsiders other than invited people can enter. "Thank you for driving us here, Taki-san." I thank. "No problem, miss." He smiled and tipped his hat a bit.

The car left us right away. Kiyo and I both started to make our way there.

As we walked closer, the both of us spotted a black haired male that is unknown to us. We looked at each other with me telling Kiyo we should approach him with my eyes, and with him, of course, shaking his head indicating a no.

Of course, I'm gonna follow Kiyo's orders for now just because I'm still too tired to argue with him.

The stranger turned around when he sensed our presence. He looked shocked.

"I'm Kageyama Tobio, and I'm a first-year at Karasuno High School! I'm a setter!" He introduced himself. "Huh? Yeah, sure..." Kiyo replied. 'Poor Kageyama..' I thought, walking past him. "Nice to meet you too, Kageyama-kun." I whispered to him as waved.

We continue walking towards the training center.

When we entered the training center, I was amazed by the size of the place. It was huge! No, no... huge was an understatement, it was massive! I've never seen a place like this before! If this place is massive, just what is the the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium like?

I was standing beside my brother, still amazed by our training site. Komori was calling us from the other side of the place, Kiyo was the only one to hear but I was focused on the giant screen in the middle of the three courts that was scattered across the venue. I overheard that the screen had a 6 second delay. 'How convenient.'  I thought, amused at how they thought this place through. I also heard that national team uses this place, which made me even more amazed.

"Naomi, stop standing there and let's go into our rooms so we can settle down." Kiyo said, holding my arm and pulling me towards our temporary dorm.


After settling in, we were called into the court to talk about something.

"gather round!" A guy yelled. "Let's have a word from the Japan Olympic Men's Team Coach, Hibarada. If you would." He finished. "Sure thing." He replies. "I'm sure you're tired of us old guys talking, so I'll keep it short. 'The Japan Team crumbles before height and strength.' That phrase is pretty outdated now." He smiled. "Skills and talents aren't meant to be had. They're meant to be shown. When you go up against the world, make sure you go berserk. Let's prove to everyone that volleyball is way more interesting than they thought." He proudly ended his speech.


We were finally practicing and everyone is in high spirits. I mean who wouldn't be? They got invited to the All-Japan Youth Camp.

Me and the girls are currently taking a break and drinking water. We're spectating  the boys' practice match. "Kageyama comes from Kitagawa Daiichi, right?" I asked Kanoka. "Huh? Uh- yeah. That's where his title came from." She replied. "What title?" Tomiju asked. "The title he was called was 'King of The Court'. He earned it due to his play back in middle school." Kanoka explained. "I see." Tomiju and I replied in unison.

After a few minutes we went back into the court to practice our receives, tosses, spiking, etc.

Hi! two chapters in a row ikr anyways, sorry for the short-ish chapter, and im sorry for not bringing akashi back in. but imma spoil a little in the future chapter- Akashi will appear....

GAH!!!!!! writings really making my brain hurt because its hard to think of ideas for the story and chapter but thats fine.


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