𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐬

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"Hurry up!" Tomiju excitedly yelled at the rest of us. We're currently running, on our way to the Winter Cup in Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium. And currently... we're running our way there. We came from Shibuya... and we're running on our way. To Shinjuku...

"Tomiju! Slow down! We've been running for hours! And the finals don't start until 8 p.m.!" Our captain yells in between her panting. "Honestly, where does she get that energy? By the time we reach there, she'll probably be passed out during the finals." Shizue chuckled. "Who'll be nice enough to record the entire thing?" Gin asked. "We can just borrow the official recording used for spectating matches that's used by school clubs." I reply. "There you go." Akamine says as we speed up.


We finally reached our destination... drenched in sweat. What's even worse is that, earlier we had a match in Shibuya. A long rally at that.

Right when we reached the gymnasium, we had to go straight to the vending machines to get water. We we're shaking because of running, we have never ran that long in a fast pace before. It's really tiring, 100% would not recommend.

After we caught our breath, we sat down front row in the audience. I heard whispers about us too. "Hey isn't that Itachiyama Institute's Volleyball team?" "Weren't they in Shibuya?" "They must've come to watch the finals." "We should take a pic with them. I'm a huge fan."

We ignored the whispers and focused on the match that was currently in play. Shutoku vs Kaijo.


The Shutoku vs Kaijo was a good play, not much to talk about though— well there is, it's just we're only waiting for the finals. The match everybody came for. Rakuzan vs Seirin.

With the finals aside. I heard a certain rumor about the Rakuzan vs Shutoku game. I heard that Akashi had threatened to quit the basketball team if they lost to Shutoku because he did an 'own goal' shot. What's even more creepier is the fact that he also said, "I will gouge out both of my eyes, and offer them to you." With crazy eyes and a crazy grin. The entire team heard what happened and everyone got sudden chills from the game we didn't even see.

While we we're waiting in the waiting area, we we're just chatting about school and gossip, etc.  What we didn't notice was the fact the Rakuzan was just right around the corner, eavesdropping on our conversation. Why? Because one of us suddenly mentioned their captain. I'm gonna tell you one thing though, I had no part in this convo— well I left to go get a drink actually, so I didn't really know what they talked about.

Anyways, a few minutes later we heard the announcer announce that the final match would be starting in 15 minutes. That's when Rakuzan showed themselves in front of us.

The team was in shock, I was just standing there holding my canned coffee in peace.


"Huh? Was Kuroko's invisibility lost?" Gin confusedly questioned as Reo blocked the ball that Kuroko passed. "I blame the reporter from weekly basketball." Tomiju blames. "No, that's not possible. He lost his invisibleness to his moves." I said. "What do you mean?" Akamine asked. "He used flashy moves like the ignite pass, phantom shoot, and phantom drive. No way a player that uses those moves could still be a shadow." I explained.


Seirin was trying to keep the spirits up, but at this point, they're just desperate. Hyuga was benched due to Mibuchi's shots. 'Earth, Heaven, and Void is really annoying techniques...' I quietly got annoyed at his play.

Akashi is barely moving, I doubt that would happen the whole game.

"When do you think Akashi's gonna make his move?" Emi asked. "I don't know. It's either he already has or he still has something up in his sleeve." I reply.


"Wha—" all of us were at a loss for words. Akashi? Defeated? What kind of nonsense is that? Why would the absolute emperor lose? Seirin's one hopeful team.

The entire gymnasium really didn't expect this plot twist.

"What's going on with him? Something feels off..." I mumble. 'Could this be? Is the true Akashi going to show?' I questioned, impatient for the answer. I was eager to know, so, I went down to the court area to inspect a little further.

I was still in my club uniform, so I hope it isn't obvious that I'm not an actual player. 'Thank goodness we had a team that reached up until this stage..' I sweat dropped.

I wore a mask and put on colored contact lenses on so it wouldn't be obvious, I also tied my hair up so that it wasn't obvious that it was me when I get near the Rakuzan bench.

I walk toward them and tried to eavesdrop. The coach and the team was shocked at his state.

"You're out." Coach Shirogane spoke. "Wait." Someone interfered. 'Mayuzumi?' "You're embarrassing yourself." The uncrowned kings and I were shocked at his sentence; Akashi's head was still lowered. "Did you think I'd console you or encourage you? I'd never do that. After everything you said, this is all you can do? I don't think so. You're nothing like the man I met on the roof. In fact, who are you?" After he ended his speech, Akashi's eyes widened at probably the last sentence.

Akashi opened his eyes and stood up. The kings were watching his every move with widened eyes and mouths agape. "How dare you ask who I'am?" Akashi spoke. Mayuzumi's eyes widened. "You're..." He said. Akashi turned to look at Mayuzumi with a grin.


"You want to play?! Akashi, you could barely play a second ago! You're sure you're okay?!" Nebuya yelled. "Yes. I disgraced myself." Akashi spoke. "I feel badly about it. I'm sorry." He apologized... and bowed. My eyes were wide open, and so were Rakuzan's. "What?" Nebuya said. "I want you to lend me your strength again so we can beat Seirin." Akashi said. 'He apologized?'


Shocking. That was the word that described this scene.

"Time's up! Seirin wins the Winter Cup!" The announcer yells. Confetti shot up into the air. Nobody was moving in the court for a second. The Seirin bench ran to the players with tears in their eyes.

As for Rakuzan, they had a different type of tears in their eyes...

'Should I go home with him later?' I thought. 'No, I'll let him be. I don't wanna bother him tonight.' I decided.


I went back home with mixed feelings. I was happy for Seirin but I was sad for Rakuzan.

'I don't think I would be able to sleep tonight.' I thought, looking up into the night sky, admiring the stars above. 'Ah, I remember wishing on every star back then because I wanted new clothes and toys.' I lightly smile at the memory.

A black Maserati stopped beside me. I turned to look. "Naomi? What're you doing here late at night?" He spoke. 'Wow, so rich.'

It was Akashi Seijuro.

"Hi. I was on my way back home from the game." I smiled, hiding away the fact that I could see his red eyes from earlier. "Oh that's right, you had a match in Shibuya. Hop in, tell me about your day." He said, opening the door for me. "Is it ok?" I asked. "Yeah." He smiles warmly.

I hopped in his car and closed the door.

"Something feels off... you seem more... nice? Is that offensive?" I questioned, half-pretending. He laughs, "As to what my former teammates said, I'am back to my old self." He smiles. "Huh...? What do you mean old self?" I asked, but this time I'm actually confused. "It's gonna be a long story, and besides this is your place, no?" Akashi pointed out of the window. "Ah, yeah. Tell me some other time then. See you, Akashi." I smiled as I got off of the car. "Call me Seijuro. And yeah, see you too, Naomi." He smiled once again before he took off.



𝐌𝐫. 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐫  ||  𝑨𝒌𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊 𝑺𝒆𝒊𝒋𝒖𝒓𝒐 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now