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"Finally, training camp is done." I groaned. "It's 50/50 for me." Komori yawns. "Huh? Why?" I looked behind me. "It was fun because of the players and because I made new friends but, trainings hard. I practically died after every set." He complained. "It was tiring, but that's what made us stronger, right?" Kiyo butts in our convo. "Uh- yeah, sure." I looked away slowly. " Naomi, even though you were on the floor— dead like a fish out of the water— the training was effective in someway." Komori smiled whole heartedly. "If so, then I really hope that the muscle memory kicks in during nationals." I dread.

A knock was heard, "Omi-kun! The coach is calling for everyone in the court!" A familiar voice cooed. "We'll be there, Atsumu." I reply even though it was for Kiyo. "See ya!" His voice echoed through the rooms walls. "Well, let's go." Kiyo walked towards the door. We followed his actions and exited our room.


"Good morning everyone!" Our coach yelled as it echoed through the almost empty court. "As you all know, today is your last day at training camp. I hope all of you learned a thing or two during your training." He starts. "At exactly 12:00 pm, you will be no longer allowed on training grounds, so I hope all of you have packed up. Since it is only 11:30 am, I will be giving you all compensations for dealing with the harsh training regimen— call it gifts if you would." He faced left as he told one of his staff to grab our so called "gifts" in his office.

The staff came back after a good 5 minutes with an extra staff and all of the goods in hand.

"All of them have names on it, do find yours. I thought through every single one of your gifts. I hope you will like it for I only based them off of your personalities during training period. I personally hand picked them myself." He proudly says. "Thank you all, for joining us on the All-Japan Youth Camp. May you win in Nationals and your future matches." He smiled.

After he finished his speech, we all walked towards the pile of our gifts. It ranged from small to big. I searched for mine and it was quite big. I pushed it away from the pile and sat down on cold floor to unwrap it. "I forgot to mention one last thing," The coach speaks up. "Merry Christmas!" He pulled the string to a confetti popper. "Merry Christmas!" We all yelled happily.


"What'd you get?" Komori came close. "I got Asics Metarise Tokyo and a signed ball." I smiled happily. "So lucky! Who signed the ball?" He eagerly asked. "Well, two people signed them, Takahashi Ran and Takahashi Rui." I smiled proudly. "Lucky! I got a mug from the Taylor Swift merch store." He sulked. "Bro? Why the sulking? Don't you love Taylor Swift?" I questioned. "Yes but I love volleyball more and you're so lucky." He smiled sadly yet grateful for his Taylor Swift mug. "Hey, doesn't that mug come with a vinyl or a cd? I remember checking that our when I was looking at tickets." I wondered as we walked to the exit. "Really? I didn't know... I haven't really opened up the entire bag because I waiting for us to go home but I was curious." He shrugged. "What'd you get?" We turned to Kiyo. "I also got volleyball shoes, they're the Asics Tokyo Sky Elite ones. I also got a massage gun." He stoically said. "Why did both of you get shoes?!" He yells. "Mori, you just got shoes." I chuckled. "Anyways, can I see the mug you got?" I put out my hand. "Sure." He gets the mug out from the packaging and puts the mug on my hand. I pulled back my back pack and admired the mug, "Huh?" I confusedly looked at it. "What is it? Is there something wrong?" Komori looked at me worriedly. "No.. it's just— this is the premium mug. It's really expensive so I didn't buy it, it was also limited edition." I said. "Wow.." He says in shock. "But," I paused. "But?" "This mug includes tickets to the concert that's gonna happen in Tokyo after the tournament." At this point, the three of us had our eyes wide open. "H-How many tickets were included?" Komori asked nervously. "Well, originally there was only two, but there's 4 in here.." I laughed nervously. "D-Do you think?" They looked at me with shocked eyes. "Yeah, we just got free tickets to a Taylor Swift concert!" I accidentally yelled. I quickly hugged Mori as we jumped up and down in excitement, meanwhile, Kiyo just stands there looking embarrassed at our behavior. I'm surprised he hasn't left yet. "Calm down." Kiyo orders. We immediately stopped and continued walking as if nothing happened.

𝐌𝐫. 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐫  ||  𝑨𝒌𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊 𝑺𝒆𝒊𝒋𝒖𝒓𝒐 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now