𝐀 𝐇𝐮𝐠, 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐘𝐨𝐮.

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After the announcement, the match that we we're playing, was discontinued.

I was wiping my tears away with the tissue given to me by my brother earlier.

"Congratulations, Naomi." A voice said. "Huh? Oh, Akashi. What are you doing here?" I sniffled. "To congratulate you, of course." He smiled, approaching me. "Nao, we'll go back to the hotel now." Tomiju tapped on my shoulder. "Uh, yeah. You can go without me." I nod.

"Congratulations." He says again. "Heh, thank you." I sniffled. "Don't cry..." He whispered, wiping my tears away. 'Holy... he's going to make me fall for him.' I look at him. After he wipes my tears, he hugs me? 'Ok, it's official. I totally fell for him..' I blushed. "You're gonna do great in the national team." He rubs my back. "You think so?" I look up. "I know so— uh, you are ok with me hugging you right?" He looks into my eyes. "Yeah, of course." I chuckled.

I hugged him again for a good 5 minutes in silence. Akashi just rubbing my back to calm me down. "Are you ok now?" He asks. "Yeah. Thank you."

After that little happy incident, I went back to my room and was greeted by cheeky grins. "...what?" I stared at them. "What was that?" Tomiju wiggles her eyebrows. "What was what?" I tilt my head. "What was that interaction with Akashi?" Akamine smirks. "What? Can't a friend hug me when being congratulated?" I scoff. "Friend? When did you two become friends?" Wakasa wonders. "Well, we exchanged numbers during training camp at his villa, then I became actual friends with him after Winter Cup." I explain. "Oh..."


After chatting away with my teammates, we all went back to our rooms and fell asleep.

The next morning, we all prepared ourselves for breakfast and because today we don't have any matches, we can go to the beach.

Our hotel is 14 minutes away from the Tokyo Metropolitan Gymnasium.

"I want bacon and eggs..." Wakasa sighs. "Make your own." Tomiju groans. Clearly, my two roommates were still very sleepy.

We reached the area and we sat ourselves down to a table near a window with the beautiful ocean view here at Hilton Tokyo Odaiba Hotel.

"Cap, do we have a schedule today?" I asked, staring into the horizon. "Yes actually." She replied. "Where to?" I look at her. "It's actually Akashi's fathers birthday today. My father is his close business parter and my father also told me to invite you guys— specifically you, Naomi." She smiled. "Me? I guess I must have struck his interest when I bumped into him in the villa." I chuckle dryly. "Oh well, what's the time?" I take a bite from my food, which just arrived. "Around 8 p.m.. We still have time to swim in the beach." She mentions. "That's great!" Tomiju exclaims.

"How about we go swimming for a short while then we go around Tokyo? How does that sound?" Wakasa suggested from the table behind me. "Sound great, Wakasa!" Complimented by cap. "But we should go back here by 7. We still have a party to attend."


I got ready to go the beach and met up with my teammates.

"Cap, I wanna see Ryujin Nippon." Said Wakasa. "...wow." The captain sighed. "Keep dreaming, bae. Tickets are expensive and we don't know them personally." Our manager sighed.


We walk out of the hotel and we go to the beach. "Wow! This is a nice beach!" Captain smiled. "Uh huh, nothing compared to Akashi Resorts..." I spaced out. "You've been to Akashi Resorts?" They looked at me. "Huh? Yeah, I've been there for a few parties my parents had us attend." I walk towards the salty water.

"Girls!" Our coach yelled. We gathered in front of him, waiting for his announcement. "There will be a tournament in the TMG, so Nationals will be delayed. In return, every team was given tickets to the entire week to watch the upcoming tournament." He said.

"Coach, who's gonna be in the tournament?" I asked. "Well, there's our national team, Ryujin Nippon-" I cut him off, "Say less, when does it start?" I smile. "Tomorrow, 5:00pm." Our coach smiled. "Observe their play, so you can also train and try out their moves." He said.

Well... thats as far as this chapter goes🤷‍♀️

Okay so the hiatus has ended, Idk when the next chapters coming out tho.

Weeee new chapter not that long tho, enjoy this crap🫶 I'll try to make better chapters and stories. Tbh I'm actually planning on releasing a new story but im not sure. Comment if you want a new story!

I also can make you a fanfic for you if you want🤷‍♀️ depends if ik the character tho...

Anyways, have fun💪

𝐌𝐫. 𝐄𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐨𝐫  ||  𝑨𝒌𝒂𝒔𝒉𝒊 𝑺𝒆𝒊𝒋𝒖𝒓𝒐 (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now