My name is.....(Billy & fem-child reader)

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A young girl, just a mere child awoke. She was in a dark room with nothing in it besides some dusty furniture. The dust stirring in the air when the door was opened. Two adults walked in One younger then the other. The child jumped and hid under a sheet.

The young woman walked by the sheet that The girl was under. The girl closed her mouth hoping to stop he ragged breathing.

"Hey Billy does look like that sheet is moving?" The female asked the man dubbed Billy.


The child shook in fear, closing her eyes. The sheet was removed from her body, she heard a gun cocking she braced her self for the worst.

"Billy! Wait!" The young woman shouted at Billy.

"Wh-?, oh".

"Hey, what are you doing here?" The young woman asked.

The child froze, "I-i uh-eh-" she got cut off from her rambling.

"Hey, calm down we aren't going to hurt you. I'm Rebecca I'm with S.T.A.R.S, what's your name?" Rebecca asked the young girl.

"I-i don't remember..." The young girl replied shaking.

Billy looked at the two girls, "are we going to go?".

Rebecca nodded at the man, then turned to the younger girl. "Can you walk?".

The young girl stood up her legs burned and felt staby. Tears burned her eyes, she powered through the pain. She limped up to the adults. Rebecca gasped and looked at the girls left leg. Billy looked down at it and slightly cringed at the sight.

The young girl looked at her leg and gagged. Her shin was cut to the bone, dirt and dust caked to the bleeding wound. The disgusting wound bled heavily. Muscles were torn, you could see the shin bone proudly standing out.

 Memories flooded the young girls head. She gasped clutching her head in pain. Tears cascaded down her cheeks, sobs escaped her mouth.

Running from the inhuman beast.

The beast slashing at her leg.

Running to safety.

Finding this room.

Then nothing.

The young girl gasped for breath. Clawing at her neck, hoping to get some air in her lungs. Rebecca jumped into action Saying calming words, trying to get her to breath. The young girl soon got some air in her burning lungs.

She hugged Rebecca tightly sobbing quietly. Rebecca looked at Billy then back at the young girl. Billy shrugged not knowing what to do.

"You can ride on my back" Rebecca offered quitely.

"O-ok..." The young girl replied, gently hopping on the woman's back.

"Lets go back to that library. We got the crank right?" Rebecca said\asked.

Billy nodded.

They walked to the library. The young girl quietly answering questions that the two adults had. She still couldn't remember something..... Her name. She couldn't thank of one letter it had in it, let alone a syllable.

They got to the library, Rebecca had to set down the young girl to go on the lift, while Billy used the crank.

Rebecca was on the other floor. That left Billy and the young girl in a slight awkward silence. Billy broke that silence.

"Sooo? Come here often?" He asked jokingly.

"Hehe, n-no not r-really" the young girl replied going with the joke.

Billy smiled hearing the girl giggle. The young girl leaned to Billy's side and rested her head on his shoulder. Sleep took over the girls body, slightly snoring. She was exhausted after all.

In the other room Rebecca unlocked the door, running back to the library she finally had a first aid spray to use on the young girl.

She opened the door to the library and walked in. She stared at the sight. the young girl slept on Billy's shoulder; who sat on the floor, against the wall. The young girl held on to the males arm quietly snoring.

Rebecca sat on the floor getting the first aid spray aiming it at the girls leg. Billy looked over at the woman raising a brow.

The girl opened her eyes to a stinging pain in her leg. She looked around.....then noticed her head was on Billy's shoulder. She picked up her head and apologized. But Billy just waved her off.

"Do you feel better?" The adults asked in unison.


"That's good, does that means we can keep going right?" Billy said\asked.

Rebecca nodded.

"So, do you remember your name?" Billy asked the young girl.

She began to think then something came to mind "My name is.....(Y\N)".

Billy looked at Rebecca, Slightly smiling. She smiled back at Him.

The young girl- (Y\N) grabbed Billy's hand. And smiled at the two adults. Billy froze up, but squeezed the girls hand gently.

She looked up at him with a smile. He smiled at her, Rebecca smiled at the two. (So much smiling)


A few years later (can we act like Billy didn't just fall of the side of the world?)

A young girl slid on the hard wood floor in her socks. Grabbing a pop-tart as she slid by.

"Dad we go to go! Its my first day of second grade!" The young girl with (H\L) (H\C) hair told guess.

The man had a brown mullet (much to the girls protesting against it). Had on a blue shirt and jeans. He walked by and patted the young girls head.

They got to school pretty fast, because they where on Billy's motorcycle.

At school

Everyone introduced there selves when it was (Y\N)'s turn she walked up with some confidence.

"My name is.....(Y\N), and its nice to meet you all!" She said happily.

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