(smut) Channel (S.T.A.R.S.!Chris Redfield x AFAB!reader)

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This is literally crumby half-assed smut that I made on Google docs :)


You and Chris sat next to each other in his apartment, he was flipping through the channels while you played on your Nokia.

Was Chris getting huffy and prissy about you ignoring him?


Would he come clean and tell the truth?

Probably not.

Chris let out a small huff, turning it to the next channel and blushing when he saw what turned on. You looked up at the TV and smirked, glancing over at Chris and giving him a teasing grin.

"You have porn channels? Or a porn channel?" You teased, setting your phone down on the arm

of the couch and looking back at the TV.

On the TV, a grainy image of a burly guy pounding his thick fingers into the petite girl's pussy. Her pussy gushed and oozed with arousal, coating the man's rough fingers and making a slichck sound with every thrust.

Chris stares with a bright blush dusted across his cheeks and the tip of his nose, an obvious bulge forming in the constricting fabric of his blue jeans. You looked over at him, glancing down and smirking at the tent in his pants. Chris looked over at you and saw where your eyes were directed, making him pout with embarrassment.

You got up from the couch, kneeling between Chris's legs, staring up at him with a small smile. Chris stares down at you with awe working in tandem with shock and embarrassment. You reached towards his crotch and began palming at his hardness, making him groan quietly and toss his head back with ecstasy.

You continued to rub his hard-on with the heel of your hand, watching a small dark patch form on the denim of his crotch. Chris stared down at you with lust, pupils blown and swallowing his pretty blue iris', and cheeks flushed with pleasure.

You grabbed his belt clasp, sliding the smooth, brown leather through the silver metal, releasing the metal prong from the small hole in the leather, and successfully undoing his belt. You popped the button from his pants, unzipping his fly, and revealed his green boxer briefs, wet where the tip of his cock pressed against the fabric.

You fished into his boxers, grabbing his cock and freeing it from its confines. You felt your cheeks heat up at the sight of his thick cock, his tip flushed pink, weeping with pre, the prominent vein throbbing on the underside of his cock.

You looked up at Chris with surprise and awe, "...your dick is the definition of a fat cock, you know that?"

Chris blushed brightly at that, "S-shut up.."

You rolled your eyes fondly, still marveling at the hefty weight in your hand. You started to lean down, glancing up at him through your lashes for the green light to continue. After getting a rushed nod from him, you kitten licked the oozing slit to test the waters.

"Ngh.." Chris moaned softly, reaching down and threading his fingers through your hair, gently tugging you closer towards his cock.

You leaned forward, wrapping your lips around his leaky tip and swirling your tongue around the pudgy head, savoring the salty taste of his pre.

The brunet let out small moans and puffs of air, lips parted, drool dribbled from the corner of his mouth. Chris basked in the feeling of your warm, wet mouth enveloping his throbbing cock, making his pink appendage twitch with excitement.

Chris had to hold back from bucking up into your mouth, not wanting to make you gag and uncomfortable. Chris writhed under you, shaking at the waves of pleasure that beat against his body over and over.

Pulling away from his tip with a 'pop', you mouthed at his pulsing vein underneath, trailing your tongue up and down, leaving wet, open mouth kisses.

"You're such a good boy, Chris..." You softly cooed, tracing your tongue around his tip.

Chris blushed brightly at your praise, pulling on your hair, making your scalp burn. Chris gasped when you finally took his cock in your mouth, letting out a drawn out moan when your soft lips wrapped around his arousal. Glancing down, Chris threw his head back in pleasure when he was met with the sight of your cheeks puffed out, cock stuffed in your mouth, drool and pre dripping down your chin.

Chris chewed on his bottom lip and squeezed his eyes shut, feeling the familiar feeling of his balls tightening when nearing his climax. Chris pulled your head closer, bucking up into your face to chase his orgasm. 

"Gah!" He cried, coming into your welcoming mouth and down your throat.

You let out a happy moan, feeling his sticky come coat your mouth, and slide down your throat. You pulled away, looking up at him with a smile, come, pre, and drool wetting your chin.

"J-jeez... you're good at that..." Chris mumbled, quietly panting with relief.


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