(Albert Wesker X reader) (S.T.A.R.S!members x comatose!Reader)

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(Summary) (Y/N) is in a coma, and the S.T.A.R.S. team brace themselves for the expected death of their favorite rookie.

(Wesker X reader)


The quiet beeps of the heart monitor echoed throughout the white room, and the sickening smell of the hospital burned noses. The sound of pain and happiness filled the building. Sobs and laughter, the alarms of the patients' hearts stopping

Jill and Brad walked down the halls of the hospital, their eyes red and puffy. Jill sniffled, her breath shaky and tears staining her face. They walked towards a door labeled with the number "96."

Opening the door, Brad recoiled at the sight. (Y/N) lay with many, many wires connected to her body, hooked up to countless machines.

"Poor baby," Jill whimpered, looking down at the girl.

Brad sighed, setting down the flowers. He stared at the gifts left for the young woman, mostly consisting of stuffed cats and maybe some flowers that were now wilting. He noticed something new-a card. He grabbed it, and Jill looked over his shoulder, reading it.

Dear, (Y\N)

I know you won't read this due to your condition, but I want you to know that I have taken a liking to you. You have been a great addition to my team and have lightened up the atmosphere.


"Captain Wesker seems to really like (Y/N)." Jill murmured under her breath, shaking her head.

Brad glared at the piece of paper and said, "What a creep...."

Jill nodded her head in agreement, saying, "Yeah, but (Y/N) is an adult."

"She's my little sister... It's weird," Brad retorted, squeezing the letter.

"Has Chris come to see her yet?" Jill asked, sitting in the seat next to the bed, and preceded to grab (Y/N)'s hand.

"I don't think so; he hasn't come in for work either," Brad answered, sitting next to Jill.

"He'll lose his job at this rate." The two of them continued to talk.

meanwhile in (Y/N)'s mind...

a nice suburban house, A quiet neighborhood, the smell of freshly cut lawn filled nostrils, and the sound of calmness






"Three--" the counting was cut off by a yell.

"Honey, I'm home." A handsome man walked in, setting his sunglasses down.

"Albert! How was work?" The young woman asked, reaching down to touch her toes.

He walked over to the mini bar, pouring himself a glass of whiskey. "Well, you're looking at the new captain of the S.T.A.R.S. team."

"Oh My! Good job! Captain Wesker!" she exclaimed, running over to hug him.

He smirked and looked down at her. "You know? I like it when you call me Captain."

"O-oh," she stuttered, flustered.

He leaned down and kissed her, hugging her tight to his body. Kissing her harder, he squeezed her hips, loving her little moans.

Their intimate moment was cut short by a knock at the door. Albert let out a growl and walked towards the door.

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