Secrets (Brad Vickers x male!stripper!reader

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.....Why did I write this? I'm genuinely concerned about myself now... But I very much enjoyed writing this :)

(Brad Vickers x Male!Stripper!reader)

Summary: Chris, Jill, and Joseph decide to take Brad to a male strip club, only to find someone familiar.

Warning(s): Slight sexual content, and mild swearing.

Words (1346)


"Woo!" Joseph yelled with glee, and bounced in his seat, making the whole car shake.

"Are you guys sure about this?" Brad asked, uncertain about his teammates' idea.

"Yes. And Joseph, stop shaking the damn car!" Jill exclaimed, and glared at Joseph through the rearview mirror, making him simmer down.

Chris and Jill were seated in the front of Jill's small Civic, while Joseph and Brad were together in the backseat. Brad still seemed hesitant about this— a male strip club? He's already confused enough about his sexuality, he doesn't need to watch a bunch of half-naked men right now.

Brad's thoughts were soon interrupted by Jill pulling into the parking lot of the flashy club. She parked the car, and pulled the key out of the ignition, while taking her seatbelt off.

"Ya boys ready?" She asked, and opened her door. She climbed out, and pushed the driver's seat forward, allowing Brad and Joseph to get out of the small car.

Brad sighed in relief, finally getting out of the cramped car. He looked towards the flashy purple building, and felt Chris rest a hand on his shoulder.

"You ready? We'll have fun!" Chris exclaimed, and started pushing him towards the entrance, with Jill and Joseph in-front of them. The four walked in, and Brad admittedly recognized the smell of vanilla and citrus, most likely masking the scent of sweat. The inside of the club was dark, mostly lit up with neon lights.

They sat down at a round table, and watched the half-naked men dance on poles. Brad stared down at his too-sweet fruity cocktail, and tried to ignore his raging boner.

Throughout the night, everything went smoothly (excluding the awkward boner), Chris got a lap dance, Joseph danced on stage, and Jill may have tucked one-too-many dollar bills in the dancers' g-strings.

Soon, the lights dimmed, and no dancers were on stage. Brad heard the women at the table next to them, whispering about how it's the best dancer at the club.

"Ladies and gentlemen, he'll pull you over! He'll slam you over the hood of his patrol car! He's Officer 'Long' Johnson!" The man over the microphone.

Everyone at his table snickered at the name, and waited for this "Long Johnson" to make his appearance.

Soon a male walked out on stage, clad in a black leather thong, a cropped police vest, sleek black heels, and a pair of sunglasses to top it all off.

Everyone clapped enthusiastically, and watched the male grip the pole with one hand, and slowly circle it. He slowly dropped to his hands and knees in front of the people sitting closest, nipping the dollar bills they held between his teeth.

His sunglasses slipped down the bridge of his nose, and he caught eye contact with Brad from across the room, making his blood freeze. Brad stared back with the same shocked expression, and quickly whispered to Chris.

"That's (Y/N)" Brad whispered to Chris, Jill and Joseph caught his words, and stared at the man on the stage with shock.

Jill and Joseph clapped louder, and wolf whistled, both encouraging their friend. Brad felt his cheeks heat up, the erection straining in his pants, making him groan in embarrassment.

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