Chris drabble

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Just a short drabble :) Enjoy!

Death island!Chris x GN!Innocent!reader

Summary: (Y/N) praises Chris because of his new shirt.

Relationship status: Dating.

Warning(s): age gap(41/23).....(can I even consider this a triggering subject?)

(400 words)


The smell of the sea filled your nostrils, little droplets of salt water splashing on your face as you leaned over the railing on the boat.

Letting out a small giggle, you watched the orca swim under the water.

"You like the water?" Jill's voice asked from behind you.

"Actually, not really. I just like the animals" You answered and looked over at her with a smile.

Jill shook her head with a chuckle, her short brown hair swaying with the movement. She leaned her back against the railing, her elbows resting on the railing for support, and gave you a small grin.

"How's things with you and Chris?" She asked randomly, making you whip your head towards her.

"Whatcha mean?" You asked and tilted your head to the side, like a confused puppy.

She let out a soft laugh and shook her head fondly. "How's the relationship?"

"Great! We went to the zoo last weekend, I saw a hippo! And Chris might get me a pet, even though I killed my sea monkeys" You listed cheerfully and smiled at the memories.

 "I love Chris" You added softly.

Jill grinned and watched a smiling Chris stand behind you.

Chris wrapped his arms around your waist from behind and rested his forehead on your shoulder. You smiled when the familiar aroma of cigarettes and sandalwood.

"Love you too" He murmured against your shoulder and pressed a soft kiss to it.

You blushed and let out a quiet squeak, "You heard me?"

"Yeah, I heard you" He chuckled and nodded.

You turned around to face, and giggle when you saw his shirt. Chris furrowed his brows in confusion, and pursed his lips.

"What's so funny?" He asked and tilted his head to the side.

"Your shirt, it's adorable. It's very much, a dad shirt" You answered with a cute giggle and stared up at the older male.

Your eyes skimmed over his shirt with a bright smile when you realized what animal was on it.

"And it has tigers on it!"

Chris chuckled in response and gave your soft cheek a kiss. He pulled away and gave you a small grin, staring your younger features.

"I'll take it as a complement" He cooed and pecked the tip of your nose.

Jill watched the interaction with a proud mom look, and walked away to find Claire.

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