"Good rookie~" (Leon X Fem!reader) [SMUT]

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Warning: This is the first smut I have ever made! So please be nice! and I really don't know what I'm doing! So please enjoy

(Summary) You found Leon wandering around the R.P.D., and seeing that he was scared, you decided to help reveal some tension.


Mr. X's loud footfall echoed throughout the R.P.D., and you had just passed the rookie who you had heard about.

"M-miss?" he quietly stuttered, only to be cut off by you pushing him more into the wall.

"We don't want that thing to hear us, right?" You whispered in his ear, pinning him closer to the wall.

He shook his head rapidly, and you smirked and patted his cheek. "Good rookie," you praised in his ear.

You soon smirked, feeling the bulge in his pants. "Do you like it when I pin you to this wall?"

He looked away embarrassed and said, "Yeah."

"Do you want me to take care of it?" You hummed in his ear.

He meekly nodded in response, feeling extremely humiliated.

His face flushed a darker shade of pink. "T-this seems a little unprofes--" He was cut off by his own moan. You rubbed your knee between his thighs, smirking at the reaction you got from him.

"Leon, shh!" you shushed him, grinding your knee faster.

"Nng O-oh M-Miss--" He started to moan out until you cut him off by grabbing his blond locks and tugging roughly, "Call me (Y/N)."

He nodded his head, whimpering, "Y-yes (Y/N),"

You giggled, smirking even wider, and whispered in his ear, "I want you to cum, rookie."

"W-what?" He asked, stuttering, his face a darker shade of pink.

"Yes, I want you to cum from my knee," you murmured in a sultry tone.

He nodded meekly, closing his eyes, and said, "Okay."

"Good rookie," you mumbled, gripping his hips and grinding his bulge on your knee.

"(Y-Y/N), I'm close," he whined, closing his eyes.

"Good rook--" you were soon cut off by his loud moans.

"GAAHH! (Y/N)! GNAH" he lewdly moaned out, his breathing erratic, and coming undone.

You smirked watching him climax, asking, "Did you enjoy that?"

He nodded and said, "Thank you (Y/N)."

"Now, are you going to do the same to me?" You asked teasingly.

He looked at you with a surprised face and asked, "D-do you want me too?"

"Did you really think you could get away without pleasuring me?" You asked, looking at him with lust in your eyes.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, looking down at his feet.

You smirked and patted his cheek, saying, "Now be a good rookie and get on your knees."

You smirked, watching his face flush. "W-what?" He was confused.

Your smirk dropped, and you looked at his confused face and asked, "Have you never ate a girl out?"

He shook his head, looking down at his feet.

"N-no," he muttered, looking to the side.

"Well, I'll tell you what to do." You started and kicked him in the knee, making him fall to the ground. "Firstly, get on your knees."

He looked up at you and nodded, smirking. You grabbed his chin and pulled his face towards your clothed crotch.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" you asked, petting his head.

He nodded and reached his hands up towards the fly of your cargo pants.

He pulled them down to your knees and rubbed you through your underwear.

"You see how wet you made me? Your little moans and whimpers turn me on so much," you hummed teasingly, tugging at his locks.

He huffed and pulled down your underwear, shoving his face between your legs. and licking a stripe from your hole to your clit.

Letting out breathy moans, you pushed his face harder into you. Working up the courage, he wrapped his lips around your clit and gently sucked. Then he shoved a finger in your hole, making you roll your head back against the wall.

Thrusting his finger in and out and sucking at your button. You soon felt your lower stomach tighten and slightly tickle.

"I'm close," you moaned out, covering your eyes.

You soon felt yourself cum, with the juices running down your thighs and down Leon's chin and hand.

"I didn't know girls could cum," Leon whispered, looking down at his hand, shining with cum.

You panted and hugged Leon's head, saying, "T-thank you."

He looked up and gave you a boyish grin, saying, "No problem."


(God, why did I write that?) Please, you can be as mean as you want about this. (BE COMPLETELY HONEST)

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