Scary monster(Rebecca x fem-reader)

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(this is my first ever request  by 'Azureman136' and I hope this is what you wanted, if not, I'm really sorry)

You walked through the halls of the mansion, sighing you called out to your very best friend in the world, "Hunter, come here boy!".

You heard thumping footsteps running through out the halls. The hunter trotted to you, you smiled petting him causing him to let out a cat-like purr. Grinning wider, you pulled out a cookie you had saved for him, "Hunter~, look what I got~".

He perked up, taking the cookie out of your hand. Petting him, you began to think about your girlfriend.

You were a part of The Bravo team unit, with your girlfriend. You two had met during training, you two hit it off fast. Your first mission, You had been sent to investigate a mansion(not the mansion in RE1 but in zero), but along the way, things went haywire.

You had been here for a month or two. You had met a injured Hunter, helping him, he became your best friend.

Your thoughts were cut off by talking and footsteps, Hunter growled. You grabbed your handgun, just in case.

The door swung open, aiming your gun towards the door, "WHO ARE YOU?!" You yelled out.

You heard a familiar voice shout out, "Put the gun down!".

Looking through your (H\C) bangs, you saw a familiar face.....well kinda. Gasping, you looked at Hunter who was ready to fight them. You put your hand on Hunter, signaling him to calm down.

"Rebecca?" You rasped out, turning your head. Bangs moving from your face, your eyes clear as day now.

She looked confused at first, then noticed the (E\C) eyes she fell in love with. Putting her gun down, she pushed the mans gun towards the ground.

"(Y\N)? I-is that you?" She questioned, she ran up to you.

You nodded at her, tears forming in your eyes. She tackled you into a hug, resting her head in the crook of your neck.

 Hunter growled staring at his friend, who had a young woman squeezing her to death.

Rebecca stood up, giving you a hand to help you up. She then noticed Hunter standing behind you. Gasping, she pulled you towards her and pointed her gun at him.

Your eyes widened, standing in front of Hunter, you shook your head at your girlfriend.

"Stop! He's my friend!" You yelped at her, hoping she would put the gun down.

She looked at you like you were crazy, why were you protecting this monster?!.

The man which you two had forgot about spoke up, "Uhhh..... Rebecca who is this?".

"My girlfriend," Rebecca answered, not looking at him.

"Please, put your gun down...." You pleaded, looking at her in the eyes.

She aimed her gun at the ground, "He's your friend?".

You nodded, "Yeah, i-i helped him".

"He won't hurt us?" She asked, unsure.

"No, he won't!" You said, nervously.

She nodded suspiciously, "Alright, why are you here?, are you ok?".

You patted Hunter, "Yeah, I'm alright!".

She smiled, happy that you were safe and alive, and not.....gone. You two talked for a couple of minutes, catching up.

"This is Billy Coen-" Rebecca informed you, before you cut her off.

"Billy!?, The Billy Coen?!. That killed twenty-seven people!?" You asked\yelled.

Billy slightly glared at you, while Rebecca tried to stop you from freaking out.

"(Y\N), please calm down" she said gently, petting your back. "We're friends now, please try to be nice to him".

You nodded, "Sorry," you apologized to the male.

Hunter chirped behind you, rubbing on your back. Smiling you petted him, "Hunter meet my girlfriend and Billy".

Hunter chirped at them, then continued to rub on you. Smiling you petted him more, and kept talking to Rebecca.

Rebecca felt jealousy bubbling the pit of her stomach, watching the monster get all of your affection. Pouting she turned around.

You noticed this and frowned, "Rebecca, are you jealous of Hunter?".

She blushed and turned around to face you, "NO!, I'm not jealous!".

You giggled, "You are jealous!".

"I'm not!".

"Yes you are~" you cooed, getting closer.





"Nuh--" you cut her off by pressing your lips on hers.

Blushing she kissed back, you pulled back.

"There are you not jealous now?" You asked, teasingly.

She blushed, playfully glaring at you, "Yes".

Billy fake gagged, "Can we go now?".

You two nodded, taking her hand in yours. You smiled at her, "I missed you so much, and I thought I never would see you again. And I was scared that I never got to tell you that i.......I love you".

"I love you too".

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