"Have fun!!"...Angie & reader

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The loud waterfall, was all that was heard. Throughout the house.... "SKkRrEeCCCHH".

You jumped, dropping the plate your where cleaning. Turning around you headed to where the noise came from. You walked towards Donna's room, knocking on the door. You walked in.

"Donna? Are you okay?" You asked.

You looked around, realizing it was just Angie being Angie.

She nodded, you sighed, walking over to her. You crouched next to her, gently resting your head on her thigh.

"You need a break, you've been working alot" you hummed gently. She patted your head, shaking her head.

"Donna just go out, and have fun" you told her.

"(Y\N).. I really need to finish this dress for Alcina" she whispered.

"You have made her like ten dres-" she cut you off.

"Who will watch Angie?" She asked quietly.

"I will" you reassured her, "Please go out. When was the last time you you went outside?, or took a breath of fresh air?".

Donna looked at you, "Okay...." She whispered under her breath.

Smiling, you stood up. Grabbing her hand, you two walked out of the bedroom. You guys made it to the front door.

"Have fuuunnn!!!!" Angie yelled.

"Have fun. Be careful." You said.

Humming, you turned to face Angie. "So what do you want to do...?".

When you turned around, you noticed that she was gone. Looking left and right, up and down. She was gone.


"Angie!?, please come here!" You yelled out desperately.

Groaning, you ran around desperately. Yelling out her name, Checking every nook and cranny. You finally heard a giggle.

Throwing your fist in the air, you ran towards the giggles. "Angie?!" You yelled, for the umpteenth time. Seeing her white dress, you ran over and tackled her.

"You found me!" She exclaimed.

"Angie.... Don't do that again" you gasped out, "Oh man, I-I need to work out...".

"Wow, you do" Angie mumbled.

You looked up glaring at her, hobbling over to the couch. Plopping on it, and sighed loudly. Angie looked over slightly confused.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

Nodding, you curled into a ball. Grabbing Angie, you trapping her in your arms. Surprised she thrashed, slowly realizing that you were almost asleep.

She calmed down starring at you, she cuddled in your chest. She closed her eyes, relaxing.

|•Time skip•|

Donna walked in her home, having new fabrics in her hand. She was expecting You and Angie to come and see her. Suspicious, she walked to the small table in the middle of the room.

Walking towards the kitchen, she heard light snores. Confused she walked to the sound. The sight made her smile slightly, you were asleep on the couch, holding Angie tightly in your arms.

Her heart melted, seeing you two in such a happy state together. Smiling she walked to her bedroom not wanting to wake you guys.

|(A\N)| I'm really sorry for the hiatus, and how long it me to get this out. And how short it was, but I had this on my mind the whole time. I swear, I tried like ten times to write this. But every time I tried, I would delete it, hating it.

And I can try and rewrite it if you want, I know that this was a request. And I forgot who requested it, I'm really sorry that is was this short.

But I'm going to try and come back.

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