Truth or dare (young Sherry x young male-reader)

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Two young kids seeming to be at least twelve, chased each other around the park. The male tackled the girl to the ground.

"Ha! I got you again Sherry" the boy flaunted to the girl dubbed 'Sherry'. 

"Shut it, (Y\N)!" Sherry huffed at (Y\N), the boy just chuckled.

They ran around playing tag. (Y\N) made a abrupt stop, making Sherry come tumbling into his back. Making them crash to the ground, "Hey, why'd you stop?" Sherry asked, sitting on (Y\N)'s back.

He slowly pointed to a group of older kids seeming to be Fourteen, fifteen. Sherry eyes widened, hoping off the boys back. 

"(Y\N)....." She dragged on, nervously.

"Sherry! come on, They're the cool older kids!" The young boy exclaimed, grabbing the girl's hand.

Sherry peered at her (H\C)-haired companion, "(Y\N)... I-I don't know."

"Sherry! I will protect you with my life!" The boy pried at the girl.

"Fine..... But copy after me" Sherry said, putting her hand on her chest, one in the air.

The boy copied her action.

"I" Sherry started.


"(Y\N) Wesker".

"(Y\N) Wesker"

"Will protect Sherry Birkin"

"Will protect Sherry Birkin"

"With my life."

"With my life." The boy finished.

The two kids, hand in hand, walked over to where the older kids were. The older kids noticed the younger kids, one of the boys walked up to them, "Hey. What do you guys want?"

Sherry flinched, tightening her hold on (Y\N)'s hand. 

"We don't want any trouble, we just wanted to see what's up" (Y\N) told the older boy.

"Well......we were going to play truth or kids seem old enough" he said, dragging off his words, weirdly.

The younger kids, looked at each other shrugging. The younger boy looked at the older male, nodding at him.

"Ok. GUYS WE'RE PLAYING TRUTH OR DARE!" The older teen yelled at the other teens.

They gathered around, now staring at the younger kids. The older male started, "Ok Tasha, Truth or dare" he asked the dark-skinned girl.

She looked up at him, with a cigarette in her mouth. "Uh..... Truth."

Sherry looked at all of the teens, noticing they all had cigarettes. She nudged her friend, pointing towards the kids with cigarettes.

"Why did you break up with me?!" The older male screamed at Tasha.

"Beeeecause Randy, it was kindergarten!" She yelled at him, giving him this look that screamed 'your an idiot'.

'Randy' just shuffled awkwardly, frowning.

 "Okay um, you little blond girl truth or dare?" Tasha said pointing to Sherry.

Sherry froze, "U-umm.... Truth".

Tasha thought for a second, "Is that (H\C) haired boy....your boyfriend?" She asked smugly.

Sherry blushed, "U-Um n-"

(Y\N) cut her off, "YES, WE ARE!"

Sherry looked at her friend, leaning over to whispering to him, "What? We aren't dating!" The boy waved her off, "Act like we are."

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