"I will protect you...." (Wesker x reader)

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(A\N): This was a request, they wanted to remain anonymous. So I hope you like it, if not; I'm so sorry:(

Rain pelted on the roof of the house, you sat on the edge of the bed. You had another nightmare of your parents. Your mother was a drunk who had no time for her family, she was a hooker. Your father was brain dead from all the drugs he did. You did everything, shopping, cooking, and cleaning....you were seven.

You sighed standing up, "I'm getting some water".

You walked out of your bedroom, waking down the hallway. You sighed, "I'm glad they aren't here any more".

You walked into the living room, looking at the tv that was Playing the news. Sighing, you walked towards the kitchen.

You walked into the kitchen, getting a glass you accidentally hit Wesker's whiskey he loved. Gasping, you watched it fall and hit the ground.

"No, No NO No!" You yelled in fear, looking at the clock..... 10:12p.m Wesker will be home any minute. Grabbing a towel, you dabbed the towel at the floor. Panicking, tears prickled your eyes.

Wesker walked into his house, he hears hyperventilating. Raising his brows, he walked in the kitchen. His eyes slightly widened at the sight, you stressfully hyperventilate, tears cascaded down your cheeks, quickly cleaning up the mess.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, mom I'm sorry I didn't mean to" you repeatedly said, it was a reflex to apologize to your mother.

"Hey, what's wrong?. What spilled?" He asked you, making you jump.

Turning around, like a deer in headlights, "W-Wesker.... I-i d-didn't m-mean t-to" you stuttered, tears clouding your eyes.

Wesker looked down at his favorite whiskey, the bottle was on the floor, broken. The beverage was drenching the rug beneath it. He watched your fearful eyes, "Wh-?".

You cut him off, "I'm sorry!, it was an accident!!," tears hit the floor beneath you. Flinching when a hand rested on your head.

Wesker sighed, "(Y\N).....its okay I'm not not mad...".

You looked up in disbelief, "Y-your not mad?".

He shook his head at you, "I mean it was an accident. Your not hurt are you?".

You shook your head, "No I'm not hurt.....".

He knelt next to you, helping to clean the mess. You got up grabbing paper towels, wiping down the floor.

It was quiet, the only noise that could be heard was; rain hitting the roof of the house, and your sniffles.

Wesker gently rubbed your back, "Its alright, your okay".

Sighing in relief, turning around to him, head-butting him in the chest like a cat. He Rubbed your head, smiling a very small smile. You hummed, enjoying the calming presence. 

The scent of his cologne was enough to calm you down. You closed your eyes, "I'm sorry I spilt your whiskey".

He hummed, "Its fine".

You two sat on the kitchen floor for a while, until you fall asleep on his lap. Smiling he picked you up, taking you to your guy's bed.

Setting you down on the bed, he changed and laid Down next to you.

Meanwhile you were having a nightmare.




"I-im sorry".


"I didn't mean too".



You woke up, panting. Wesker looked over at you, "What happened this time?".

"My mom again, she was hitting me".

He sighed, petting your head. You leaned into his touch, sighing in content. You climbed into his arms, leaning your head on his chest; listening to his calm heartbeat.

He played with your (H\L) (H\C) hair, twisting the hairs between his fingers. You hummed into his chest, slowly drifting off.

Sleep toke over your body, snoring quietly. Wesker looked down at your sleeping form, taking his hand away from your hair, he set it Back down on your back.

"I will protect you with my life....... I promise," he told you, thanking you were asleep......well you were half-alseep.

You smiled gently, "I know you will".

"I love you".

"I love you too...." You said back, falling asleep.

He ran a hand through his blond hair, "What am I going to do with you?".


I'm sorry that was so short!!!! :(

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