Odd couple (Nemesis x Fem!reader)

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Requested by Azureman136! Thank you for requesting!

I hope you like it, if not, I'm very sorry!

And I did change somethings up, just a little.


I sat in the kitchen of the apartment I shared with my sister. Eating some old pizza, I watched as Jill shot up in bed while panting.

"You alright?" I asked, taking another bite of food.

She looked up and nodded, walking towards the bathroom.

I picked off the sausage on my pizza and said, "Ugh..."

Jill walked back in, looking at her....mess on the wall.

"Jill, are you almost done with your....project?" I asked, looking over at her.

She looked over and sighed, "I think I might be getting closer..."

"Well, when you're done, we could celebrat--" I was cut off by the phone ringing.

"Who could be calling at this hour? ...." She asked, picking up the phone.

"Brad?" She asked, looking over at me, confused.

Hearing about Brad made me perk up. "Brad? Is he okay?"

She looked over and smirked, making kissing noises at me.

"Shut up!" I huffed, turning away from her.

"O-oh! Okay! We'll leave!" Jill said, hanging up.

"Is everything alright?. Oh okay!" I was cut off by her pushing me to the door and saying, "Wait, my pizza..."

"Just go! Brad said we need to Leave!" She explained, pushing me farther away from the pizza.

We got out the door and walked into an apartment. I grabbed her hand, pulling her closer to the exit.

"Why? What happened?" I asked, confused by the order.

"I'll explain later!" We have to She was cut off by a giant thing dropping through the ceiling.

"What the hell is that thing?" We yelled in unison, turning around and running as fast as we could.

I saw Jill much farther ahead of me. "J-Jill! W-wait! I can catc-- AHH!" I was cut off by this thing grabbing my wrist.

"Hey! Let go of me!" I thrashed in his hold, trying to get him to let go of me. Panicking, I looked around for Jill, seeing her at the end of the hallway.

"JILL! W-WAIT!" I yelled, my voice cracking and tears trickling down. I saw Jill turn around; the color drained from her face.

"Oh GOD!" She yelled, looking around and only seeing the rising flames. She looked at you, and then the door said, "Don't worry (Y/N), I'll find you!" She yelled, running out the door.

"JILL?! JILL! Don't leave me! PLEASE!" I yelled, trying to get her back. I squeezed my eyes shut, more tears rolling down my cheeks and sobs escaping my lips.

I soon felt the heat of the flames disappear. I opened my eyes and saw I wasn't in the building, but I was still in the arms of the thing.

"AGH! Let go!" I hit at its arm, trying to get it to drop me. I felt it tighten its hold on me instead of letting go.

"Oh, you little crap..." I hissed at it, looking up at it. Soon, jumping now that I see its face, I say, "Uhh. That's what you look like?"

It looked down at me and mumbled something, probably nothing important..... Wait, it can talk!

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