Dirty agents (Piers Nivans x fem!reader) [SMUT]

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Why did I do this to myself again?

Enjoy! :)

Helpful Criticism welcome!


Piers smirked, and watched the girl on his thigh squirm. His smirk widened when the vehicle hit a bump, making the girl bounce and quietly whine.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Chris asked, and stared at (Y\N) with worry.

"I think she's just nervous, this is her first mission and all" Piers belatedly lied to his captain's face, and had a look of faux worry.

"Oh....it'll be okay" Chris shrugged, and looked back out his window, and he didn't even know about the lewd actions being made less then two feet from him.

(Y/N) squeezed her eyes shut, and she gently rolled her hips, her clit throbbing for some sort of friction. She whined a little louder when she felt the delicious feeling of a rhythmic pressure on her clit.

"Shush, we don't want any one else to hear you, right?" He hissed in her ear, and gestured to the few other B.S.A.A agents in the vehicle.

She nodded meekly, and began to grind her clothed cunt on his thigh. Little moans and whines escaping past her lips, while Piers would aggressively remind her to be quiet.

(Y/N) began to grind harder, and felt the knot in the pit of her stomach tighten. Her face flushed, and she grinded faster, trying to reach her climax.

"O-oh fuck..." She whispered, and bit her lip.

"Good girl, are you close?" He purred, and ran his fingers up and down her sides.

"Y-yes," She whimpered, and rocked her hips one last time, before the knot became undone. She felt her arousal gush out and pool in the gusset of her panties.

Piers felt his face flush, and watched the girl in his lap slowly stop her movements. Her red flushed face, glossy lust coated eyes, and lips parted.

Piers squeezed his eyes shut and quietly groaned, his throbbing erection staining against his pants.

"When we get to the base, you're in for quite the night" He growled quietly, and squeezed her hips.

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