Time (Leon x fem-reader)

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Warning: death, suicide, slight language.

A dark and frightening setting was placed in front of you. You aimed your magnum at the man, he killed the man you liked to many times. He was to fast and pulled the trigger. Seeing Leon being shot in the chest again, falling to the ground with a loud thud. You yelled in frustration, running to his body dropping to your knees.

Rain cascaded down your back, You choked out sobs of sadness and frustration. Looking down at Leon who laid looking up at you. 

"NO! Pl-please not again!. I've seen you die in front of my eyes to m-many times!" You stuttered\yelled through sobs.

Leon looked up at you with half lidded eyes, rain smacking his body. He grasped your hand in His, you looked at him blurred by tears.

"I-im sorry, please do good things. Stop everything your doing" he stuttered out. "Please..... (Y\N) Muller, stop doing bad things".

You hated hearing that, so many times you tried and tried to stop this from happening. Your (H\L) hair stuck to your face, you punched the ground.

His life slipped from his grasp. You digged through your pockets of your duster jacket. Ripping out the pocket watch, you glared at it.

"This better work this time" you said to no one...well the watch.

A bright flash Emitted from the small watch. You closed your eyes then opened, then.....


 You were back where you always ended up. After useing the watch.

 You walked with Chris Redfield, who, lets be honest isn't that fond of you. And Piers Nivans. You kept your stotic face, blocking out their conversation.

 You noticed Leon, you talked to him a lot. But he never remembered any of it, and most sadly, you. you stoped trying to get his attention. He was always talking about that 'Ada' chick, but if he loves her you can't stop his feelings for her. He walked into a ally, you ran after him knowing this is where he always was shot.

The dark and frightening setting was placed in front of.....again. You pulled out your magnum and pointed at the man you hated, you pulled the trigger but.....it clicked the click you dreaded. No fucking bullets. He shot Leon.

Leon thudded on the ground again. Damnit. You ran to him grabbed his gun and shot the man who shot Leon. You threw the gun on the floor. Sliding on your knees grasping his hand crying.

"I can't stop this from happening!. I'm sorry!" You yelled, sobbing.

Leon pulled your Hand up to his mouth and pressed a gentle kiss on it.

"I know you tried to help me. I know you tried over and over. Just please.... stop being a bad person ok?" He said.

You looked at him, tears mixing with the rain water on your face then, falling to the ground.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry" you repeated.

"Don't do bad things ok?, be a good person. (Y\N) Muller".

You nodded, Tearing up watching Leon's life slip away.

You sat there for a few moments tears sliding down your face.

You eventually stood up, composing your self. You walked out of the dark place.

Walking over to Chris, he actually looked slightly concerned. he asked what happened, you told him just 'Leon S. Kennedy is dead'. He looked surprised, seeing your tear stained face. Patting your shoulder gently, reassuring you.

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