Old promises (Albert Wesker x fem!reader)

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S.T.A.R.S!Albert Wesker x fem!reader

Summary: An old friend visits Wesker with an old promise in mind.

Enjoy! :)

(Word count: 1085)

(Not very edited, just skimmed over!)


It was quiet in the S.T.A.R.S office, just the sound of keys on keyboards clicking, and pen on paper. Calming sounds that Wesker enjoyed, somewhat soothing him. Sighing, he rubbed his temples, and stared at the stack of paperwork on his desk. He was about to grab the first bunch of stapled paper, only to have the quiet sounds interrupted by a familiar rhythmic knock. He froze and looked through the window in his small office, staring at the door with slight fear.

Oh god. Not now. Not again.

Everyone else in the S.T.A.R.S office perked up at the sound, and Chris shrugged his shoulders. He stood up from his cluttered desk, and walked towards the door. Chris twisted the doorknob, and pulled the door open.

On the other side was a woman, wearing a black pencil skirt, a light purple button-down shirt, shear stockings, and simple dress boots. Her skin smooth and clear, a soft dust of freckles across her nose.

Chris stared in awe for a moment before clearing his throat. "Can I help you?" He asked, seeming to get more confused why this woman is here.

"Is Albert Wesker here?" The woman's voice was just how Wesker remember it, smooth like honey, but dangerous like a bee.

Chris furrowed his brows, how could Wesker get a woman like this? Sure he's a very attractive man, Chris won't deny that. But Wesker lacked....Personality.

"Yeah, he's here" Chris informed the woman, and looked to his right, staring at Wesker, who was in his office. "Why do you need him?"

"We're.... Old friends I guess you could say" The woman answered, crossing her arms and peaking in the office. "Al, can't you come and greet your old friend?" The woman called out in a teasing way.

Wesker cringed at the nickname, and hesitantly stood up from his chair. He walked out of his office, and pushed past Chris, pushing the woman out with his hand on her chest. Wesker closed the door behind him, looked down both ways of the hallway.

"Why are you here?" He quietly hissed, and pushed the woman against the wall, holding her in place with his forearm on her chest.

The woman only softly laughed in response, "You haven't changed. Still the same no-nonsense, branch-up-your-ass-man."

Wesker glared at the woman through his sunglasses, and pushed her harder against the wall. "You haven't either, still the same kiss-ass girl."

"Kiss-ass? Excuse me, I simply admired our teachers" The woman defended herself, and smirked. "I see the sexual tension between us is still thick."

Wesker rolled his eyes in response, and pulled away from the woman. "What do you want, (Y/N)?" He huffed, and crossed his arms.

"Well I was in town, and I figured I would visit my old fuck buddy" (Y/N) answered, and soon heard laughter erupt in the office, making Wesker's cheeks turn the softest baby pink.

"Go back to work!" Wesker demanded, and swung the door open, giving everyone the death stare. The team laughed harder, and tried to look back down at their work. Wesker slammed the door shut, and spun around to glare at (Y/N).

"I'll never live this down" He groaned, and rubbed his temples. "Would you like to introduce yourself to my team?" He frowned "They'll probably never get back to work now."

(Y/N) shot him a grin and nodded. Wesker opened the door again, and walked in, the female following behind him. He stared at his team, and gestured to (Y/N), "This is my old friend, (Y/N). (Y/N) this is my team, Chris, Jill, Brad, Joseph, Barry, and Rebecca. Say hi"

And as if on demand, everyone, including (Y/N), said hi. Rebecca, Brad, and Chris stared in awe at the woman, while Jill, Joseph, and Barry smirked at Wesker.

"Captain never told us he had such pretty friends" Joseph snickered, and gave Wesker a cheeky grin.

"And Al never told me he had such an attractive team" The woman cooed, and flashed him a grin.

After she said that, the team all had a soft blush (excluding Barry), making the woman chuckle. Wesker narrowed his eyes at his old friend, and bit back a smirk. 

"Still the same sex addicted harlot?" Wesker teased and shook his head fondly.

"You could say that" She responded with a shrug and winked at him, "But you still love me".

Wesker rolled his eyes fondly and shook his head, "Debatable."

"We heard the words 'Fuck buddy'. Can you please explain?" Rebecca asked sweetly and looked up at (Y/N) with doe-like eyes.

"We went to college together, and helped each other relief stress during hard times" The woman answered, causing Wesker's cheeks turn a darkened pink.

"(Y/N), they don't need to know of our past or relationship!" He huffed and glared at his friend from behind his glasses.

"Aw, c'mon, she asked so nicely" the woman cooed and gave him a cheeky grin. "Plus, she looks like a little kid! And you know how much I love children.....Speaking of children, that's why I'm here"

Wesker felt his tiny, cold, dead heart drop. Fear crept up on him, a light sweat coating his forehead. "Children? Why? Actually, let's talk about it in my office."

He walked into his small office and gestured for her to follow. The woman followed him, and closed the door behind her. 

He went behind his desk and stared intently at the women and finally asked; "Did I knock you up?" He asked quickly, and sat in his seat.

"Wha...? No! We haven't been together in like, ten years. And if you did I would have told you." The woman answered with a soft chuckle.

Wesker sighed in relief, and slumped in his seat. "Thank god. So, what do you need?"

"Drunk you made a promise. That if I didn't have a child by the age of thirty-eight, you would knock me up. I'm thirty-eight and don't have any children" (Y/N) informed him with a grin, watching him take off his shades and set them on the desk.

"Oh.... I forgot about that.... You still want to...?" He trailed off and crossed his arms.

"Very much so. It would be a very smart and beautiful child, plus I really want a kid" She nodded with a soft laugh, making him bite back a smile. "And if you don't want, you don't have to be apart of their life."

"....Okay.... I'll give you a kid" He hesitantly agreed, groaning when he heard alpha team yell out in glee in the other room.

(Y/N) gave him a sweet smile, and laughed again.

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