Video games And make outs (Wesker x male-reader)

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Warning: LIME! (Its kinda inappropriate)


A white lab, chemicals in viles everywhere. On shelves, in holders.

 You walked in, your name is (Y\N) Birkin. You are William Birkins younger brother. You wondered about the place for a while, your brother talked quite a bit about it. So did Annette....but that's beside the point.

You saw your brother, and ran up to him.

"Hey, Will? Why'd you bring me here?" You asked, confused why he even thought to bring you to such a secret place.

"Well, I thought you should get out of the house. So I Thought 'where could I bring him where there would no video games?'. And low and behold, the Umbrella Corp. Lab" he answered, not looking up from the clipboard.

You rolled your eyes at your brother, scoffing. Staring at your brother, You heard the door open behind you guys. You both turned to see who was walking in.

The most handsome man you'd ever seen walked in. He had blond gelled back hair, he wore.....sunglasses inside?



He walked with confidence, he wore a lab coat, and black clothes underneath. He talked to Will, While you just admired him with your jaw dropped slightly.

Will looked over at you, he was confused for a second. He smirked, realising that you thought Wesker was good looking.

You felt your self start to drool, just a little......Any ways. The handsome man you yet to know the name of, talked to your brother. They talked what sounded like gibberish to you. But in repair, they were talking about science and biochemistry.

You heard footsteps and a door closing, you looked up and saw that the man was gone. Slightly sad, you snapped your fingers with a sigh. Will quietly chuckled watching you, he knew about your sexuality.

"His name is Albert Wesker" Will said out of nowhere.

Your head sprung up, looking him smiling.

"Really?!, what does he like, what food does he like?!" You asked, overly excited by such a simple sentence. 

"Umm... I don't know?" He answered with uncertainty, and titled his head to the side.

You guys left the lab to go back to your guys house....well, Will's house. He's letting you stay there until you find a apartment. You jumped around excitedly, the whole walk back to the car.

~~~~at the house~~~~

You sat on the couch with Sherry, playing Mario kart 64. You were Toad, and she was Yoshi.

 Annette was in the kitchen with William, cooking dinner. They were cooking spaghetti (or whatever you want). They were talking about a trip they were going on. Not wanting to ruin their family trip, you volunteered to watch over the house plants.....yeah.

"Hey psst, Sherry I met a hot dude" you whispered to her, not taking your eyes off the screen.

"Oh yeah?"


"What did he look like?"

"He had blond hair, sunglasses, a beautiful face from the sunglasses down" you informed her with a dreamy sigh.

"Hey! (Y\N) stop telling Sherry about these things!" Your brother snapped at you.

"She's\I'm eleven!" You and Sherry exclaimed in unison.

~~~~later that night~~~~

Will and Annette slept comfortably in their king sized bed...... That was until, they heard a bunch of loud thumps. They both jumped up out of bed running out, only to see Sherry also running out from her room. 

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