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Isla Davis


After the horrible day I spent yesterday it's finally morning and I have to go to work. I have to put on more make up today because of what my father has done to my face, I hope I can hide my lip cut tho.

It's been an hour and I'm ready to go to work.

My dearest father is sleeping, thankfully, because I don't need him to give me shit before I go to work. I leave without eating because I don't feel like eating today, this actually comes from my eating disorder. I've been suffering with eating disorder ever since I was a kid, I was always underweight, I'm still underweight. I pass out a lot and my hair falls off but it's okay. I would visit a doctor but that means that I have to pay and I'm in no place to do that.

I meet up with Minnie and we make it to work. Today I decided to wear a black short tight dress with a turtleneck though because I can't wear too much revealing clothes on my job even though I would love to but double standards in our society are just lovely.

When we make it to work, I go to my office to drop my things and I hear a man raising his voice at our receptionist.

"I want to speak with your manager, now!" The man demands. Okay Karen.

It's your time to shine Isla.

"Hello, I am the manager. What seems to be a problem?" I ask and when I take a look at the Karen, damn it, Abel fucking Garcia is standing in front of me.

"Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise?" He says smirking at me.

"We'll discuss whatever seems to be your problem at my office. I will take it from here Sarah, I'm sorry for the Karen behaviour you had to witness" I say as I lead him to my office without looking at Abel once.

"Leading me to your office already, I see" He teases. He always used to be such a tease.

"Why are you here?"

"So you are the manager of the company? That's nice" He says.

"I guess" I'm shutting myself up before I share a lot with him because I tend to do that especially when I'm around him.

"Okay, so I was having meetings with your boss lately and we agreed for a collaboration between our companies for a fall collection" He explains.

"You have a company?" I ask him, I didn't know that.

"Yes, me and my twin sister rule the company together. The company is about graphic design. We began on Spain but the company became very successful so we moved to America" He informs me. Wow.

"That's amazing Abel" I say in awe and he gives me a look that holds so much admiration toward me and appreciation that I wanna cry.

"Thanks, I'm surprised you didn't hear about it, it's basically called Garcia" He says. That's his company name.

"I haven't heard about it, I don't hear much of nothing" because I don't have time for that, I have an amazing father to take care of, I want to add but of course I don't.

"So, what do you want me to do?" I change the topic to strictly personal.

We get done everything we need for the first day of the collaboration. We want to work on a new collection Autumn/Winter. That means, I will have to see him everyday for months. Lovely.

"Thank you so much for cooperating so well miss Davis" He says as he openly stares at me and of course my body. Asshole.

"Thank you mr. Garcia" I say as he smiles at me. Such a beautiful smile for an ugly personality, sad. When he leaves I sigh as I sit down to have a minute of peace.

"Was that Abel Garcia leaving your office?" Minne practically runs in my office. So much for peace.

"Yes" I simply respond.

"You have to tell me everything, what the fuck? How did this happen? When? Why was he in your office and how did he manage to get so motherfucking hot?"

"Our boss agreed to collaborate with him on a new collection between the companies as the both companies are for graphic design I suppose, they want to bring something new" I explain to her.

"That's amazing, his company Garcia is such a big deal" She explains.

"Never heard of it" I respond to her with a shrug.

"Drop the act, stop lying to my face" She says.

"I never did and I'm glad I didn't, it would make me feel like shit" I tell her.

"Why?" She makes a stupid question.

"Well it's probably because I share a bad past with him or hold up it is because I share a bad past with him" I practically yell in her face.

"Geez calm down, totally forgot about that and you should forget about that because he is hot as hell, he would give you good looking kids so who cares" She says.

"Yeah, good looking kids with a shitty personality" I tell her.

"Who cares? Besides, you will be seeing each other often" She points out.

"Yeah, whatever" I say as she rolls her eyes.

"You're no fun" She tells me.

"I will keep it strictly professionally with him. All I care about is my job and doing everything right for my life, my home and my father" I tell her.

"You are missing out on everything by taking care of him all the time, the last party you went to is prom and we always used to go to parties, every friday, we used to go out all the time, you were the life of the party and now you're so different and it's not just about the parties, I get it we are mature now and we have work to do but it's almost like I don't even know you. You never tell me anything anymore" She speaks the truth. It's not easy for me to open up about this with her, I never told anyone about what happend to me since my mother's death, she doesn't even know that Abel used to help me sneak out and in of my house so I could go out and when he moved to another country I couldn't do it anymore.

"Well it hasn't been easy for me since my mother's death. My father hasn't recovered yet and I have to do all the work, I used to have time for parties back then but now my father is getting difficult and I can't do anything. I feel so bad for missing out on everything but I just can't" I tell her the half truth because I can't lie to her face everytime.

"I'm sorry, I just really hope my old Isla will come back" She says as she leaves my office.

It's not up to me, I wanna yell at her face and sob.

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