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Isla Davis

"I can't believe you killed him" My father yells at me.

"No I swear dad, we were just playing around and he fell on his head but I never pushed him or anything" I tell him and myself. Because my father isn't the only one blaming me, I am blaming myself too, although I never pushed him but the game idea was mine.

I'm eight and blamed for murder, I didn't even know what death meant until now.

"I am so disappointed in you. Why would you go jumping around in the couches in the first place?" He asks me curiously.

"We were chasing each other playing around and he bounced a few times in the couch for the fun of it and then he fell on the ground with his head but I never pushed him dad I swear" I say as tears violently slide down my cheeks.

'Only people who are to blame cry Isla and you know why? Because they have a victim complex and they are weak just like you are' my father always had told me. And I remember that moment, it's altered in my brain the way his words affected me so deeply.

But that is not the reason I am crying right now. The reason I am crying is because my only best friend just died in front of my eyes and I couldn't do anything. Although I yelled for help and we got him to the hospital, it was useless. He was in coma and unconscious the whole time until he just couldn't take it anymore.

He was two months younger than me so he was seven. I hate this feeling so much, why does my chest and head hurt so much? Nobody's giving me an answer, maybe I need a doctor too.

I can't say that to my father tho, I am a murderer after all.

"Quit it" My mother yells at him. Here we go, the arguing again.

"You stay out of this" My father spits.

"You can't blame a kid for murder, we both know that Isla would never do that. You are just drunk as always" She yells at him as she takes me out of the room with her.

"And you. You are grounded for a week, no going out and making new friends, you are a curse" My own mother says to me.

Is that why my twin died? Because I am the curse? Because I grew on mom's belly and he couldn't grow, because of me? I am only eight but most of the time I wish it was me who didn't grow but that would be selfish because he would get all the pain. Maybe he is an angel, a good person that God chose to have close to him and I am the curse.

Everyone I love dies, everything I touch vanishes, every flower I smell gets withered, everytime I breathe my lungs get black, my heart has been black ever since the day I have been born hasn't it?

Because I am the curse and I can't save nobody, the only way they can stay alive is to stay away from me so they don't die.

I am a murderer.

I am the curse.

"Isla?" Abel calls.

"Huh?" I get back to reality.

Relax Isla, it was just a flashback. Just a flashback.

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