Back to Kingsville

109 6 2

June 25 2016

I get up and start packing my things. Once I'm done I have a shower then go down stairs to eat. Once I'm done eating I go back to my room and grab my stuff and bring it down stairs and into my car. I go to the counter and give them my rooms’ keys and then leave the hotel for the last time.

I wish I could have seen Louis one last time but it was lucky I got to see him at all.

I start my car and start driving back to Canada. I'm always going to remember that trip.

When I get to the border it's busy so it takes a while to get to go across. When I finally get across I keep driving back to Kingsville.

After an hour I get home it was really busy today. I bring all my stuff inside and into my room I put everything away then go down to see my dad.

I go into my dad's room and he's not there. I go into the kitchen and there's a note saying he had to go to a meeting today.

I turn off airplane mode and I get a bunch of messages. Some are from Morgan some from twitter and some from my mom. I look at Morgan's first she was just saying hi. She must have forgotten I was going to the States. I look at my moms and it's the same. Then I look at my twitter I have a bunch there since I still get all the boys of One Direction tweets.

I start reading all of the tweets staring at the top. Once I got to the bottom I couldn't believe my eyes.

@Louis_Tomlinson: Had an awesome time with @vicky_dur last night hope I get to see her again sometime!

He mentioned me in a tweet! That's so cool I never thought that could ever happen, but I'm super glad it did. I'm also glad he had a good night with me. Can't wait to tell Raven tomorrow when she gets back!

I go for a walk, practically no ones out side they’re all probably on vacation now I wonder what Morgan's doing today. I text her and she's with her mom. Then she starts talking about Louis' tweet I guess she saw. I send her the picture I got with him, it's my wallpaper on my phone. I walk back home since she's not home. We text each other for a long time she wants to know everything that happened. Telling someone about it felt special, but not as satisfying as the actual event.

At around six my dad gets home. I waited to eat supper with him. He asks me what I did in Chicago and then I told him everything he doesn't believe me so I show him the picture and Louis tweet.

At nine we watch a movie then I go to bed watch a movie on my TV then finally fall asleep. Hopefully I sleep in tomorrow because its one in the morning when I finally fall sleep.

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