One Direction in Kingsville

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Over then next few days, I don't do much. I don't have to work again till July 5th.

I get a text from Raven, 

Hey I just got a text from Liam. He convinced the boys to come to Kingsville!

I call her. She answers. "When!?" I ask replying to her text message.

"They'll be here by next weekend!" Good it's a weekend I have weekends off.

"That's awesome!"


Days go by I go to work and hang out with friends when I can. I also start packing some of my stuff for collage.


July 10 2016

It was finally the day that Liam and the boys are coming! Raven is going to text me when they arrive so I can go over. She told Liam I was going to be there, well that a friend was going to be there.

I got up early, had a shower, and put on random clothes. I eat with my dad. He starts drawing so I start drawing to, although I'm only good when I really try and take time.

I get a text. Hopefully it's Raven! It's not, it's Laura.

Laura: Hey I'm having a summer party. You can bring a date and invite any close friends! It's the last weekend in July. Hope to see you there!

I text her back saying I can go.

At one I get a text from Raven saying they're driving on her street. I grab my car keys and drive there. I guess I could have walked but oh well I’m too excited.

I look in the porch and Louis or Zayn aren't there. Raven notices me and points to the car. I walk by and see Louis in the drivers’ seat doing something. I knock on the window and he rolls it down. "You can go inside you know." I say. I'm so glad I get to see him again.

He turns around I'm guessing since he didn't recognize my voice. He looks at me and smiles. "What are you doing here?"

"I told you I live in Kingsville, and Raven and I are best friends." He gets out of the car and hugs me. I see in the window Harry and Niall are looking. "Maybe we should go inside?"

"Good idea." He shuts the car door and we enter the house. "Hey guys this is Victoria, she's the one I met in Chicago."

"Hello, I'm Harry." Says Harry holding out his hand, I shake it.

"I'm Niall." Niall says shaking my hand.

"I'm Liam." Liam says waving.

Before I could ask where Zayn is Louis says, "Where's the washroom?"

"It’s beside the kitchen." Raven says.

"Could I have something to eat?" Niall asks.

"Help yourself!" Raven exclaims. Louis and Niall leaves the room and Raven, Liam, Harry, and I take a seat on her bench.

"Do you guys mind if Raven and I go for a walk?" Liam asks. By the look of it Raven didn't know he was going to ask. Harry and I shake our heads. We don't care.

They leave and now it's just me and Harry. Well now I kind of care. "Louis has talked about you." He tells me. That makes me smile.

"I've talked about him a lot." I say.

"I think he really likes you. Please don't hurt him like Eleanor did."

"We just went out for supper a couple times." I say. I'm glad he likes me. Before when I was a fan I always said I loved Louis, but it was just fan love, but now I think I'm starting to actually love him. Maybe it’s just infatuation but I don’t care.

"I know." He says smiling. "I'm just saying.

"So where is Zayn?" I ask.

"With Perrie. They are still together the media was wrong." He tells me before I can ask.

"Oh I see." As I say this Louis and Niall walk into the room. Louis sits beside me and Niall sits across from me. This got awkward.

"What were you two talking about?" Louis asks.

"Nothing really. I wonder what Liam and Raven are talking about on there walk?" Harry says.

"Liam probably asking her on a date." Niall says. All there ascents are so adorable!

Then I get a text message. It's from Raven. I read it out loud. "Liam asked me to go to Red Lobster with him!" I laugh but then stop. "You were right Niall." He smiles and starts eating off of his plate.

Then we were just talking about there trip here and what they saw. Then Raven and Liam got back.

They don't stay much longer they left to there hotel. I get a message it's from Louis, he must have added his number sometime without me knowing. That’s what I get when I don’t put a password on my phone. He asked me to the movies. I say yes!

Raven tells me what her and Liam talked about on there walk. He might go to Laura's party as her date. Maybe I'll ask Louis, but not right away.

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