Louis Birthday

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The next day after Laura was cured we party. Then Raven, Liam, Harry, Louis, and I have to go back to Windsor.

Days pass and I was catching back up in all my classes. Time goes by so fast! It's only a couple weeks till Louis birthday, but I have no idea what I can do for it!

I call Laura to ask her what to do. She tells me that I should just take him out to a fancy restaurant.

I like that idea, it's simple but effective.

I call this restaurant that Laura told me about, I don't remember the name, she just gave me the number. She went to it when she was in Windsor a little while ago visiting her brother.

I book reservations for his birthday, December 24.

Days pass and I plan out the whole day whenever I can between studying for the first semesters exams, which is practically all the time!

I do my exams a week before Louis's birthday. They were all quite easy with all my studying I did.


December 24th 2016 - Louis birthday

I stay the night at the guys the night before so I can make him breakfast in bed, I need to make his day good. No it had to be perfect! I want him to have a better time then I did at the party.

I get up and get dressed. Go to the kitchen get out a pan, eggs, and bacon. I cook enough for Louis, and anyone else that will want some. I get a glass of orange juice and put the cup and plate of food on a platter to bring into Louis' room.

I open the door and walk in, he is up on his phone. He looks up and smiles. "What's that for?" He asks.

"I don't know, I just walked into your room on your birthday with food to eat in front of you. Food that I don't like. Or eat." I say sarcastically. I hand him the platter. "Happy birthday." I tell him then and kiss him.

"It's already my birthday? It seems like yesterday that Laura came back to life. Thank you for breakfast." He says starting to eat.

"No problem." I say smiling. "I will be out in the kitchen giving other people their food so they don't kill each other of who gets the last piece, although that would be entertaining." I say joking.

"You can go, I don't want anyone to kill each other on my birthday." Louis says to me. I smile at him then leave the room.

As I'm walking to the kitchen I can hear people moving in their rooms above me. All the guys are here, and Laura, and Raven and Perrie, and even Chloe.

Chloe and Niall have become really close friends in the short amount of time they've known each other. Everyone thinks they like one another but they both always deny saying they are just good friends, and don't like each other any more than that. So we all let it go.

I get to the kitchen and get count out 7 plates for everyone not including myself. I give everyone three pieces of bacon with 2 eggs. By the time the plates are ready mostly everyone in waiting for the food. They all knew I was cooking breakfast today.

While everyone eats what I made I eat a bowl of cereal, I don't like bacon and don't really like eggs. Everyone says I'm weird for not liking bacon but I don't care.

Laura was the first one done, she got up to leave to her room but I stop her. "I'm not clean up, I made the meal." She grabs her plate and washes it. Everyone else does the same when they are done.

"Is Louis awake?" Harry asks me after I'm done eating (I was the last one done).

"Yeah, I don't know what he's doing though. I gave him his food before I gave you guys yours and he still isn't out." I tell him.

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