Surprise Visit

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July 31 2016

I wake up in the morning from people talking. I look to see who it is, it's Laura and Harry. Everyone but us three are asleep, and they still think I am.

I try and fall back asleep but I can't. I can't really hear what Laura and Harry are talking about to each other, I can only hear some of the conversation and all the laughs.

I just stay put and pretend to be asleep so they can talk some more, I’ll wait till someone else wakes up.

After what felt like forever, Louis starts to yawn and move. Then he stops since my head is still on his stomach thinking I'm still sleeping.

I turn my head to him "It's okay I'm awake." I whisper.

"What are they talking about?" He asks whispering back to me talking about Laura and Harry.

I shrug.

"So you guys are finally awake!" I hear Harry say very loud.

"Shut up Harry you woke me up." I hear Raven's voice say. I look at the floor, that's where everyone but Louis and I slept. Everyone is awake but Chloe. I see Raven throw a pillow at Harry.

"Then go back to sleep. My chance of that was ruined a long time ago." I tell Raven.

"Nah, I probably won't be able to. I'll just go and make breakfast." She says getting up going to the kitchen.

"Make pancakes!" I yell to her. She doesn't reply but she is probably going to.

I stay with my head on Louis stomach, he plays with my hair. Liam went to the kitchen to be with Raven. Laura and Harry are still talking off and on. I can tell Harry is trying but I don't think Laura knows what’s happening.

After about twenty minutes we hear, "Pancakes are done." Liam says walking into the room with a plate full of pancakes and plates under them for us. Raven follows with butter, syrup, and utensils. We all get up and follow them to the table.

The pancakes are really good, we all eat them fast, Chloe doesn't know what she's missing being asleep.

After eating I go wake up her up. "Chloe get up!" I yell in her ear. That wakes her up right away.

We don't stay around to long since we had to change clothes and Laura and Chloe had plans.

I later text Laura: 

How did you like Harry?

Laura: I thought I liked him before, but after meeting him he's amazing!

That's a good sign for Harry, but I already knew it was going to happen.


September 3 2016

For Labor Day weekend Raven, Liam, Harry, Niall, Louis, and I all went to Raven's camper for a barbeque. Raven's parents and brothers were there as well.

Ravens dad makes hamburgers, I have something else. After we eat we all take turns changing into our swimming suits and go to the beach.

Raven and Liam are already in the water when Louis and I arrive. Harry and Niall are talking on the beach. Harry keeps texting, I'm so tempted to kick sand at his phone.

I walk up to him, “Put your phone away!"

"Laura won't stop texting me or I would."

"Tell her you'll text get back later." Louis suggests.

Louis, Niall, and I all look at him liking that idea. "Fine I’ll tell her saying I’ll text her later."

After he says that I smile and nod my head.

I walk to the shade and lay down my towel so I can just lie down and relax. I put on my sun glasses just in case the sun moves. I close my eyes.

Just after getting comfortable, Louis takes off my sun glasses kisses me then picks me up. "What are you doing?" Louis starts running to the water with me in his arms. "Put me back Louis!" Just as I finish that sentence I get dropped into the water. I come back up from under the water. "Who said I wanted to go swimming?"

"Me." Louis says. I kiss him then splash water at his face. Then I get a splash in the back. I turn around it was Raven I splash her back.

I end up staying in for and hour or so. When I get out I see two people coming to the beach. I look closely and it's Perrie and Zayn.

I've never met either one of them in person before, but I have on Skype. I wave, they wave back. Everyone looks at who I'm waving to and they all wave to.

I grab my towel put it around me then go to say hi.

"Hi, it's good to finally meet you!" Perrie says to Raven and I.

"Back at you." We say together. We all laugh, and then we head back to Raven's camper.

"So what are you two doing here?" Harry asks.

Zayn and Perrie look at each other and smile. Perrie shows us her hand, "We're getting married! We wanted to tell you in person." She says. We all congratulate them. They are cute together, and have been together for a long time.

"When's the wedding?" Liam asks.

"Next July." Zayn tells us.

We get back to the camper. Zayn and Perrie have already met Raven's parents and her brothers, they were the ones that told them we were at the beach.

We take turns changing again back into our clothes. Then we hang up our swim suits up to dry.

We talk outside the camper until the sun starts to set.

"We haven't even put up the tents yet." I tell Raven. She and I go and get them. There are two, there is enough to fit six people in one but that would be crowded, and there are eight of us now with Zayn and Perrie.

All the guys set up one tent and we girls set up the other.

By the time we finish putting up the tents the sun went down. We all get chairs and make a fire. Raven gets marshmallows and we cook them. Between the eight of us we eat the whole bag. Plus Raven’s brothers had one or two each and as well as her parents.

After a while of just sitting around Zayn says, "So Harry, Niall, we have to find you two someone to be with."

"I'm good I'm already looking into trying to get someone right now." Harry says. He looks at his phone. He's talking about Laura, that's so sweet, him being a flirt and all. He must really like her.

"How about you Niall, have you an eye on anyone?" Zayn asks.

"Nope I'm waiting for that right gal." Niall says.

"Just make sure you pick good people." Zayn says to them.

We all go to our tents, girls in one and guys in the other. I say goodnight to Louis. He kisses me on the forehead goodnight then we go in our tents.

The girls don't stay up much later. We go to sleep in about and hour time. It was good to finally meet Zayn and Perrie!

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