The Phone Call

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September 12 2016

I wake, have a shower, get dressed, and then go eat breakfast. Raven was up for some reason, she doesn't start class till 8. I start mine at 6. I leave for class at 5:30.

When I get to class I go and sit with Mia and all her friends. She has a lot of friends, most of them boys, but still a lot of girls. She goes to parties all the time! She is barely in her room it seems. She invites me to some of the party's but I know there is drinking and drugs and all that bad stuff at them so I don't go. I stay at home and be a bum with Raven, Liam, and Louis.

But not tonight, I'm going to Alex's apartment with Morgan, and Mackenzie. I always have to explain to everyone Alex is a girl, her full name is Alexandra but she likes Alex better.

I was going to hang out with Louis tonight but he is busy doing something. So then I was going to hang out with Raven but she and Liam are going on a date tonight. But I'm kind of glad I haven't seen the girls I'm hanging out with tonight in forever!

Class was only an hour so I finish at 7. I go straight to my car from class to drive to Alex's apartment. She texted me yesterday saying she will be at school when I get there. She hid a key for me to get in. I will be the first one there and then the other two will get there anytime.

When I get to the apartment I find the key Alex hid, unlock the door, and go in. It's nice and very organized.

As I'm looking around a paper on the table catches my eye. I go look at it. It's a letter to me from Alex.

Dear Victoria,

If you are reading this that means I'm still at school. I won't be home most likely till 3.

Hope you found the key alright!

If you get hungry you can eat something from the kitchen or go out, whatever you want. If you go anywhere don't forget they key!

You can watch TV or a movie while waiting for the other girls to get there. Let them in when they arrive. I don't know what time they will be there so just expect them any time.

Don't have too much fun without me!

See you later, 


Being the lazy person I am I end up watching TV until I hear a knock on the door. I look at the time on the way to the door it's 8:30.

I open the door and it's Morgan.

"Hey!" I say.

"Hey!" She says back.

We sit down at the table and talk for about an hour about everything that has happened since we last saw each other. She has a boyfriend now. She met him in collage, he seems really nice and sweet. I hope they last!

After another half hour of talking there was a knock on the door. I get up and go get it. It's Mackenzie as expected. We sit down and talk to her for about an hour then we decide to go out for lunch.

I leave a note for Alex.

We went out for lunch. I remembered the key!

I get the key and my purse then we get into Morgan's car. I don't think we will be gone for that long, but you never know.

We go to Burger King. We order our food and find a seat to eat. We talk some more for a long time.

When we get back to Alex's apartment it's 2. One more hour till Alex will be back. I throw out my note to her since we are back. I knew we wouldn't be gone that long.

We watch TV until we hear the door open. We go over to the door and welcome Alex. "Yay! You're finally home!" I say.

"I said I wouldn't be back till around 3 didn't I?" Alex asks.

"You did, that's just Victoria being Victoria." Mackenzie says hitting me on the head. I glare at her.

"So what are we going to do?" Morgan asks.

"Play Monopoly!" I say.

"Of course, we are going to spend the day playing Monopoly. No." Alex says to me.

"At least I gave a suggestion." I say.

"We should go to the movies. Sleeping Beauty is playing at four." Morgan suggests.

"Laura saw it with Harry, they both said it was really good!" I tell them.

We grab all the stuff we need then get into my car. I drive to the movie theatre. Laura was right the movie was really good!

We talk about the movie all the way to the Chinese place we are going to for supper.

Just as I get out of the car my phone starts ringing. It's Laura. "I'm going to take this out here, you guys go inside and get a table." I tell the girls. They go inside then I answer my phone. "Hey Laura! What's up?" From the other side of the phone I can hear her crying. "Laura? Is everything okay?" I ask.

"No, something bad happened.” She quietly says.

“What happened?”

“I have cancer." She barely spits out.

"What really? Well yea nobody would joke around saying they have cancer. What kind? Is it curable? You’re going to be okay right?" I ask her.

"Ovarian cancer I had ongoing cramps, and nausea and other symptoms. I had a biopsy this morning they just called me. You are the first person I'm telling this to." She says sniffling.

"It's curable right?" I ask.

"Yes it's curable, I will have to get sugary done and tests and get medication but one day I should be cancer free again." She tells me.

Laura has cancer, but she is going to survive. She is strong and won't give in. I hope she gets all the help she needs to get rid of this.

"You are going to get through this hear me! You are one of the strongest girls I know! You are going to be fine and live a happy life after you are healthy again." I tell her.

"Thanks." She says to me. I can tell she is a bit happier now after I said. "I have to still tell my Raven and Harry and a couple other of my close friends and family."

"If you want I can tell Raven and Harry later for you." I suggest to her. I figure the more times she tells people the more it's going to sink in and she might get sadder each time.

"Could you? That would be great! Thanks Victoria! Hope I didn't ruin you day." She says to me.

"It's okay! I have to go for supper now as long as you are good. If you want me to stay to talk with you some more then I will." I tell her.

"No it's okay. Go eat, just don't tell anyone other then Harry and Raven please." She tells me.

"Done." I say.

We hang up and I go in. They are already eating, I don't blame them. I don't know how long I was talking. I order something small. I start to think about everything Laura must be going through right now. With her in school and now cancer. I'm pretty sure Alex, Morgan, and Mackenzie try to talk to me off and on but I'm lost thinking.

Once they finish we leave, I didn't even end up eating at all. They ask me what the phone call was about and what I'm thinking about but I just say nothing although they know it’s a lie they roll with it.

I drop Alex off at her apartment and the other two get out of my car to get to theirs. I didn't even realize it's already 9. I head home then have a shower, then go to bed, then sleep.

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