Date with Louis

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June 22 2016 - 6:20

I follow Louis' car to the hotel, when we get there I park my car. I enter with Louis and my stuff. The hotel is beautiful, looks five stars. I wait in the lobby while Louis gets a new room. Once he has it we go to the elevator. He grabs some of my stuff from me to make it easier. I say thanks.

We get to my room, I open the door and go in. The room looks really nice and like it was expensive. He's letting me have this room for nothing I hope his new room is better. I put down my stuff and tell him to put my stuff he was carrying on the bed.

He packs his things up and I help him move his stuff to his room.

We enter him new room and its worse then mine. Not by much, but it still is. I feel really bad. I think he can tell because he tells me it's okay that he has this room instead. He's really nice for letting me have the other room. I still feel really bad even if he is okay with it.

Once I'm in my room alone and Louis is in his I lock the door and go to sleep.

June 23 2016

The next morning I get up have a shower and get dress. I go down to the lobby and find the place to eat breakfast. Looks like no ones else is there, I wonder what time it is. I walk in make waffles and sit down to eat, I look at the clock it's seven. I slept a lot for going to bed so early. I finish my waffles and leave. I go back to my room. I hear people getting up.

I get out my phone and go on Facebook, and twitter. Once I get off my phone it's about seven thirty. I turn on the TV to see what’s on. I don't even know what I'm doing today. Maybe go shopping since I didn't yesterday because I saw Louis. I get my purse, the hotel key, and my car keys and leave my room.

Once I lock the door and turn around and start to head to the elevator I see Louis coming this way. Did he forget something in the room? "Hey" he says.

"Hi." I say back. Maybe he just came to see me. I smile thinking that this could be true.

"What are you doing?" He asks.

"Going shopping since I didn't yesterday." I tell him.

"Sounds fun.” He says.

“Hope it is.” I say back.

We both just smile at one another. Then he broke the silents by saying, “So you’re staying till the weekend right? Would you want to go out somewhere for dinner or something?" I didn’t see that one coming. Wait, did he just ask me on a date?

"Yes I would love to!" I probably have the biggest smile on my face and my face is also probably red from blushing.

"Great, how about tomorrow?" 

"Yea I'll be in my room."

"Alright." He smiles then turns around and walks away. For the rest of the day I can't stop smiling and thinking about it. I’m going on a date with Louis Tomlinson. Me!

Around ten I fall asleep tomorrow is my date with Louis. I was out like a light.

June 24 2016

I get up and do the same thing as every other morning. I go down to the breakfast room and eat. As I walk out of the room Louis walks in even looking tired and in his pajamas, he still looks good. I smile and walk out the door and go to my room.

I wonder where we're going. Will I have to dress nice? I'll figure out what I'm going to wear later. What are we even going to talk about? When we went to Pizza Hut it was silence like the whole time I don't want him to think I'm boring.

I don't do much all day, I can't I'm too nervous and excited. When it gets to be around five I start getting ready. I didn't bring or buy anything that nice so I just put on a t-shirt and skinny jeans.

At five thirty I hear a knock on my door, it must be him. I go to the door and open it, we must not be going anywhere fancy because he's in his normal clothes.

We go to his car. I ask where we are going and he tells me to a Chinese restaurant. I haven't had Chinese food in a while.

We just have small talk in the car about our day today and what we did yesterday. It was taking a while to get there.

When we arrived we went inside. I take off my coat, as I'm doing this Louis pull out my chair. "Thanks." I say smiling. I take a seat and he takes one across from me. We order a combo for two.

"So what's your favorite thing to do?" Louis asks me.

"Well I like to hang out and talk with friends." I say.

"You must be very popular." I laugh then stop, my laugh is really loud and weird. People are looking at me. "I like your laugh."

"Thanks it's weird, it always draws attention." I admit.  

"Well I like it." He smiles and I smile back. Superhero by Cher Lloyd comes on the radio in the restaurant and I start humming, I still remember all the words. "Cher Lloyd’s good." He says.

"Yea and she was on the X factor with you. This was always one of my favorite songs by her."

"Are you a good singer?" He keeps asking me questions its weird, but I guess there's nothing else to say since we just met.

"I don't think so but my friends all say I am. It really depends on the song and where I am. I don't sing in public unless my friends and I randomly start singing."

"If I start singing will you?" A chance to sing with him and hear his voice?

"Yeah!" He starts singing the chorus. He voice is amazing! He looks at me waiting for me to join in. I take a breath and start singing. The chorus ends and the rap part starts, he stops singing but I continue through the rapping. After the rap part I stop. "I'm not very good."

"No your friends are right you are good." Coming from Louis that means a lot.

"Thanks." Our food and drinks get here.

While we eat I get Louis to tell me about his adventure from the time he was on the X factor to the point the group broke up.

Once we finish Louis takes the bill before I could. He pays then we leave. In the car we just listen to music and I tell him my twitter name because he asks.

When we get to the hotel he walks me to my room. I turn around and say, "Thanks Louis I had a great time. I have to say I was really nervous for dinner."

"No problem and to tell you the truth I was nervous about tonight too, but I had a great time I hope to see you again some time since we both leave tomorrow."

"Me too." Then he hugs me I hug him back. He was warm I never wanted to let go but I did because I had to. "Bye" I say to him.

"Bye." He says back.

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