Will There be Haura?

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Not long after the party the picture of Louis and I is published, so everyone knows. I gain a lot of followers and hate tweets too.

Later in the month of August, Raven and I move into our room at the collage. Louis and I go on dates every once in a while. I go to there house sometimes. I had to quit my job since I moved to Windsor. Louis and I still haven't kissed. It's so sad! But I'm glad we're not rushing.

August 20 2016

Today is the day we are having a party for Laura and Chloe. We as in Louis, Liam, Raven, Harry and I.

We are having a party for them because they are moving to Waterloo for collage. Today's the day Laura is meeting Harry. Chloe was supposed to meet Niall tonight but he couldn't come because he had a family gathering.

We call Chloe and Laura to come. They just think they are spending the day with Raven and I and couple other people.

When they get to the boys house I let them in. Everyone is in the other room, we invited all our other friends to come

We walk into the room and everyone comes out. They are sure surprised.

The party starts right away.

Everyone has a lot of fun, Louis and I dance, slow dance, and talk/meet other people.

After a couple hours or so I realize I totally forgot to introduce Harry to Laura! I go find Laura and Louis goes to find Harry.

I take Laura to the side then text Louis where to come to where I am with Harry. After a minute I see them coming our way.

"Laura this is Harry." I say facing Laura. I turn to face Harry. "Harry this is Laura."

I step next to Louis and our hands meet together. We look at them, there standing there looking at each other. I've only seen that look one other place before, when Louis looks at me.

I whisper to Louis. "I think some people like each other."

"We will be over by the snacks, have fun getting to know each other!" Louis says to them then we walk away.

I wonder what they will talk about. Probably just an awkward silence like what happened with Louis and me.

As Louis and I are walking we get to the snacks but he continues walking pulling on my hand, so I follow.

He takes me to the backyard. We sit on the deck near the pool. A couple people are swimming but we stay far enough away to make sure not to get wet.

We just sit on the deck for a while watching the people swim and listening to the music from inside. It's peaceful here. I'm glad Louis took us out here it's nice.

I look at him and he's already looking at me. I don't know how long he has been but I don't really care. We look into each others eyes and start to lean in. Then it happens, my first kiss.

It was amazing. We lean back and look at each other again. He kisses my forehead then hugs me. I hug him back then just lean on him and stare off in space. Tonight is a good night.

I don't know how long we are outside for but quite a while because the sun is starting to set.

It must be late because I'm starting to get hungry. Well not starting to, I am hungry. My belly growls. "Someone hungry?" Louis asks sarcastically.

"Maybe just a little bit. I wonder how it went with Harry and Laura." I wonder if they even stayed and talked. They could have just left and went back to whatever they were doing.

We go inside into the kitchen to make ourselves something bigger then just snacks.

When we turn the corner to the kitchen we see Harry there.

"What are you doing Hazza?" Louis asks him. Harry's standing there tussling through his hair.

"I don't know I came in her after meeting Laura and have been in here since." Harry answers.

"Is Harold in love?" I tease. I tease Harry all the time, I got use to it from Louis and Liam doing it all the time.

"I think I might like her." He says. I was joking, but I can tell he's not. "She is beautiful and looked kind and sweet."

"She's a really good friend, just get to know her and see how it goes from there. Just don’t hurt her." I tell him.

"And stop tussling your hair or it's going to fall out." Louis adds on.

"Thanks." He says smiling. He fixes his hair and goes out of the kitchen. Well that was weird.

"So what do you want to eat?" Louis asks me once Harry leaves.

"It doesn't matter I'll make myself a sandwich. Want one?" I ask him.

"I'm fine." He says. He gets out everything for me to make my sandwich.

I look at the time no wonder I was so hungry it's already seven. We leave the kitchen and notice a lot of the people have already left the party.

It takes till nine for everyone to leave. The only people left are Raven, Chloe, Laura, the boys, and I. Liam asked if we all wanted to sleep at there house so we accepted.

At 9:30 we watch a movie. I fall asleep leaning on Louis like half way through the movie, but everyone else was practically asleep before I fell asleep myself. The party really took the energy out of us, but it was fun and worth it!

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