Summer Vacation

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Y'all... this took a turn I wasn't expecting, I'm sorry in advanced.



"No mom, what the fuck?" Mateo says, utterly confused.

"Well then, I don't fucking know!" Billie says, throwing her hands in the hair with a huff of frustration.

"It's okay baby, you'll get em next time." I say patting her on the shoulder, kissing the crown of her head.

We're currently playing Pictionary on our jet, on our way to our Utah vacation home. We're gonna be there for the next two weeks.

We do this every summer, with the whole family.

Finneas, Claudia and their kids are meeting us there.

Billie's parents couldn't make it this year cuz they're going to be on a cruise.

"Erm... a horn?" Jungkook answers, followed by a annoyed sigh from Mateo.

"It's a rocket." He mumbles.

"What the actual fuck?"


"Mateo you can't draw for shit!" Aj says with a cackle.

"Says you." Rosalie mumbles pulling out her phone.

"I see it now" Jimin says in an encouraging tone, a soft smile falling onto his face.

"Don't lie to him babe, he's awful." Nicolás says with a laugh.

Jimin swats at his chest with a scowl.

"Be nice." He whispers.

"Look man, it could've been a whole lot worse." Jungkook says with a shrug.

"My mom thought it was a dick." Mateo mumbles, flipping the page before plopping back onto the couch.

"Still think it was." She whispers in my ear.

"Shush." I say.

"Who's next?" I ask.

Only to realize that everyone seems to be over the game.

Rosalie and Jungkook are in their own world, giggling at who knows what on Rosalie's phone.

They've been dating for a couple months now.

I honestly really like the kid. He's respectful, not only to me and Bil but to all of us. Including Rosalie.

I honestly think Billie could learn a thing or two from him.

Jimin and Nic are just whispering back and forth into each other's ears, smiling like idiots.

AJ is on his phone.

And Now that I think about Mateo is no where to be found. Probably went into the other area of the jet.

"Babyyy, I'm hungry." Billie whines, looking up at me from her position between my legs. She leans back against my front dramatically.

"Then go make something." I say with a shrug.

"Do you even love me?" She asks, an offended look takes over her face.

"With all my heart." I say pecking her on the lips.


"Alright you little shits , get your bags out and go unpack." Billie says, opening the trunk, as everyone begins to pile out the van.

I wait for them all to get out, before stepping in. I got to unbuckle Ximena, only to realize she's asleep.

I carefully unbuckle her. I reach under her arms, hoisting her into my arms. She immediately relaxes in my arms, laying her head on my shoulder.

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