Date Night

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"AJ, Nicolás, Mateo, Rosey! Estas listo para ir?" *Are you ready to go?* I shout as I place the last and final lunch bag on the counter.

"Yes" I hear them all shout from their rooms

I walk over to the sink and wash my hands. I dry them on my pants and sigh a bit. I'm tired. It's my day off, and I'm up at 5:30 am. I hear footsteps running down the stairs, I hear the squeaking of sneakers against the tile floors. All of a sudden AJ and Nicolás are running into the kitchen. I smile at them.

"Good morning MIjos." I say.

"Morning mom." AJ says.

"Morning mama." Nicolás says grabbing his lunch bag.

AJ and Nicolás are Billie and I's oldest. Turning the big 18 in a month or so. Mateo is 16, and little Rosalie is 15.

"Why did you guys have to do sports? School normally starts at 8, but your practice starts at 6. Why?" I whine a bit.

"Momma, sports take dedication. It makes us more responsible. I mean look at Mateo. The only one of us that doesn't do a sport, and he acts out the most." AJ whispers.

"Don't even go there. He's a good kid, you're the one that acts out." I say shaking my head.

"Plus Mateo is cool with it, I mean he gets and extra two hours of study time." Nicolás says shrugging his shoulders.

"That's not the point! The point is I have to wake up at 4:45 am, when i could be walking up at 7 am!" I say sadly.

"Sorry momma." Nicolás says with a shrug.

"Sure you are." I say rolling my eyes playfully.

Rosalie walks into the kitchen, looking tired and annoyed. She harshly places her backpack on her chair with a huff.

"What's the matter baby?" I ask in a worried tone.

"Can you tell AJ, Nicolás, and Mateo to stop being so annoying?" she asks in an annoyed tone.

"What the hell did we do?" AJ asks confused as he pours cereal into bowls for him and Nic.

"Ay. Language young man! What happened?" I ask.

"They saw me talking to Aden yesterday, and have been teasing me ever since." she shouts.

"Okay, no need to yell. Who's is Aden?" I ask confused because I hadn't heard of him.

"He's my FRIEND!" she shouts.

"My F R I E N D. You hear?" she shouts again, looking over at them.

"I don't care. Ain't no boy gonna have his arm around my baby sister." he says putting his hands up in defense.

"Who the fuck had their arm around you?" Billie asks loudly as she walks into the kitchen, Mateo right behind her.

"Oh my god!" Rosalie groans.

"I'm just playing with you." Billie says with a laugh.

"Good morning mamas." She whispers as she wraps her arms around me from behind, kissing my neck a bit.

"Good morning baby." I say with a giggle.

"Aye Nicolás, Mateo." AJ says trying to get their attention. Once he does he gags playfully.

"Shut up boy." Billie says laughing.

"No but seriously. Boys next time that happens, let me know so I can make this Aden kid shit his pants." She says looking at the boys.

̈"Yes ma'am." they say back.

"Momma, can Alexis come over today since it's Friday?" Rosalie asks.

"Ouu make sure she invites Melanie." AJ says with a smirk. Causing Nicolás and Mateo to laugh.

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