Family Road Trip

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(Also that's their car, cuz they fancy and rich and shit)

((Not edited, so if you see a typo just leave it. Wbk I'm stupid and can't type))

These next 2 weeks are special for my family. You see ever since I was little, there was 2 weeks outta the year where my family would pack up and drive down to Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico. You may be wondering; why these two specific weeks? Because all of my grandparents birthdays fall within these two weeks. So we all drive down to they're shared home, and spend it with them. I always loved driving there, it was very fun. But ya see, my siblings and I were well behaved. My kids . . . Not so much.

But nevertheless we're going. This will be the kids and Billies first time going. We've been married 20 years, and she still hasn't met that side of the family yet. She was always busy, or something. Which is understandable, but this year we're all going. I'm excited. But I'm also dreading it because of one thing:

It's a 10 hour drive.

It's currently 4 am, and I'm about to get Billie and the kids up. We're leaving at 5. I walk out the bathroom after washing my face and brushing my teeth. I slowly walk over to billies side of the bed, with her face toward me. She usually will hold me while we sleep, but since I got up she replaced me with two pillows. One between her legs, and the other in her embrace. I rub her shoulder a bit, causing her to move a bit.

"tienes que despertar bebé." *you have to wake up baby* I whisper as I bend down toward her ear.


"Vamos, tienes una hora para prepararse.." *come on, you have an hour to get ready* I whisper again, as I set my chin on her shoulder.

"Bien, ya voy." *okay, I'm coming* she mumbles into the pillow, causing butterflies in my stomach.

After we got married she started to learn Spanish, but still to this day when she speaks it, it makes my heart do a thing. When we first started dating, she told me over and over she would never learn it. Now she'll literally cuss me out in Spanish.

"No estoy jugando a O'Connell. Cuando vuelva, será mejor que te levantes." *I'm not playing O'Connell. when I come back, you better be up* I say sternly, walking out the door, as I hear her mumble curses at me.

I walk over to AJ and Nicolás room first. I knock on the door a bit, and crack it open. I see them both sleeping, AJ on his stomach with his arm hanging off the side, and Nicolás on his back snoring a bit.

"Boys, it's time to get up. We're leaving in an hour." I whisper, causing Aj to turn on his back, still half asleep.

"5 minutos mas." *5 more minutes* he mumbles.

"es tu tiempo que estás perdiendo." *it's your time you're wasting* I say shrugging my shoulders, closing the door.

I walk over to Mateos room, and knock on the door slightly. To my surprise, he replies with a "come in".

I open the door to see him, laying in his bed fully dressed and ready.

He looks up at me from his phone.

"Oh I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep, so I just got ready." He explains shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh okay mijo. How long have you been up?" I asked concerned.

"For about an hour. I had a nightmare, and just couldn't go to sleep." He says with a half smile.

Mateo has always been a little more sensitive than the rest of the kids. He slept with Billie and I till he was about 6, because everytime we would but him in bed alone he would scream and cry. When he finally started to sleep in his own bed he would, and still to this day, get nightmares. They became less frequent as time passed, but they're are still some days where he'll ask to come sleep on the floor cuz he's so scared. And before you say shit like "he's too old for that" or "that's weird", just don't. I know what's best for my son. He has issues that he needs to work out, but he can't do it alone. And as his mom it's my job to help and make it easier.

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