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"Hey guys, welcome back to the channel. I hope you guys are having a good day. So here's the deal. Billie has been playing her games, so much. Like to the point where I have to repeat myself multiple times when I ca for her. And it's getting really annoying. Now I talked to her about this, and she said she'll work on it. And she has. But I wanted to play a little prank on her." I say into the camera.

I get up and walk to my bed, setting the camera in the tripod. I pull out my best buy bag.

"So heres the plan. Billies' friends are coming over tonight, to have a game night. When we had the talk she had already planned this. But she told me that after tonight she wouldn't be on it excessively anymore. But I had a little conversation with her friends, specifically Eli and Isaac. (I dont like them, but I didn't wanna use queen cuz like... everyone uses him🤷🏽‍♀️) I basically told them what I'm about to tell you, and told them that they need to do whatever they have to to I keep her attention on them and the game. Basically make sure that she's ignoring me. And then I'm going to get super upset, grab her Xbox, go out to the driveway and slam it against the pavement. I know, sounds crazy buttttt-" I explain before pulling the brand new Xbox from out of the bag.

"I got her a brand new one. Now I could have just thrown in front of her when nobody was around, but this seems more fun and more like a prank. Billie is very private, she doesn't like her friends knowing everything about our relationship. Mostly the arguments... And the se- nevermind that. So this will kind of be a good prank. It'll make it more believable. If I were to just throw it out of nowhere, she did know something was up. Anyway she just went to the store to get snacks and stuff for them, so I'm going to set up the camera in the living room and turn it on before they get here. Wish me luck." I say shutting off the camera.

I walk down stairs setting up the camera behind one of the books on the bookshelf that we have for no reason. Neither one us reads.


"Baby, can you make the dip? Pretty please." Billie asks from the shower.

"Yup." I say closing my mascara and walking out.

"I love you!" She shouts.

"Love you too!" I shout back as I run down the stairs. I quickly make the dip. Once I hear the shower turn off, I place the dip in the fridge. I suddenly hear the doorbell ring.

"Can you tell them I'll be down in 10?" Billie yells from the bedroom upstairs.

"Okay!" I shout.

I run over to the door, and open it. Que, the twins and Denzel all walk in.

"You can sit down." I tell them.

They all plop down on the couch, leaving a space for Billie.

"Okay, so the twins told you what I'm doing right?" I ask.

"Yeah." Denzel nods with a smile.

"Okay, so when I start getting all angry, just like- kinda egg her on. But like in a differng way." I explain.

"How you mean?" Que asks confused.

"Y'all know she's really over protective. So be like "ayo, control her." Basically, just be dicks to me. I want her to get mad." I say with a smirk.

"Yeah, Cruz Bil probably be on that freaky shit when she mad, and Y/n wants some tonight." Issac said, pushing Denzels shoulder in a joking way.

"Shut up Issac." I say with a laugh.

I feel butteflies in my stomach. Now that I think about, Billie does like angry sex. In her her words "it's the best kind of sex". But that's not important.

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