Girlfriend Tag

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(Before yall ask. Billie is 23 and y/n is 21)


"What's up, guys!" I say with a smile into the camera

"Today we're gonna be doing . . . The girlfriend tag!" I shout, patting the spot next to me on the couch.

Billie quickly jumps onto the couch, with a big smile.

She straightens up and looks at me. I laugh a bit.

"If you don't already know, this is my girlfriend. Billie." i say cupping her face.

"I'm Billie." she says with a little wave.

"You may know her, and if you don't you've obviously been living under a rock so." I say causing Billie to laugh.

"Shut up baby." She says shaking her head.

"Anyway! So basically I'm gonna be asking her questions to see how well she knows me. We've been together for almost 4 years, so if you get one of these wrong i will be very upset." I explain.

"Baby, have a little faith in me." she says.

"Before we start tho, can i ask one question?" she asks.

"why?." i ask with a laugh.

"Cuz I wanna be included!" She whines out.

"But you are in- okay." I say with a laugh, handing her the phone.

She looks through the questions I wrote on my notes.

"Oh I got one. When and where did we meet?" Billie asks handing the phone back to me.

"We met a little over four years ago, at a mutual friends party. I actually didn't know who you were, which I think you kinda liked i guess. Anyway, we met and i just really liked you as a person. Then you asked if i wanted to hang out the next day, and i obviously said yeah. Honestly at the time i wasn't looking for a relationship, i just really liked you as a person and just wanted to get to know you." i explain with a smile.

"And then she fell in love bitches!" Billie says leaning back against the couch, her hands behind her head.

"That i did," i say with a giggle.

"Now get up bubba, we got my questions now." i say softly patting her thigh.

"What was your first impression of me?" i ask looking over at her.

"Fucking hot." she says shrugging her shoulders.

"Baby, your just gonna make editing longer cuz i gotta bleep that out." i whine.

"Ouu can you put a koala noise over it!" She asks excited. (My heart goes out to Australia. If I could I would give all my money to help, but a girl is broke. Also I wrote this thing months ago when I was bored, before the fires even started. I'm just letting yall know!)

"Why?" I ask confused.

"Cause the noises that koalas make is scary as fuck dude . . . But I kinda like it." She says with a smirk

"Okay you weirdo. Anyway, I won't take that as an answer." I say looking over at her.

'Okay, my first impression of you. You were funny and genuine. I could tell that you weren't putting up an act for me, or anyone else. One of the first things i noticed about you tho, physically, was your eyes. You have really beautiful y/e/c eyes. And then i saw your body, and i was like 'damn she the whole package'. Then i made it my mission to make you mine." she explains with a smirk, wrapping her arms around me placing her chin on my shoulder.

"Aw, baby." i say with a pout.

"Okay next question before i start to cry." i say placing my hand on her hand that was placed on my stomach, keeping me as close as possible to her.

"When is my birthday?" I ask looking over at her.

"June 28th, 1998. You are 21, bouta turn 22 soon." she says with a smile.

"Correct!" I say.

"Can I have a kith?" she asks in her baby voice.

I peck her lips quickly, causing her to smile.

"What drink do I always order when we are out?" I ask looking back into the camera.

"Well at any restaurant its sprite, same at dell taco, but you get it with strawberries in it." She says.

"Ouu, that sounds good right now." I say, mostly to myself causing her to laugh.

"But when we're at a bar . . . well, it depends. If you just want to let loose you just get a margarita, but when you want to get fu- i mean messed up and have fun you get fireball shots." She says confidently.

"Correct!" I say looking over at her. She puckers her lips, waiting for another kiss. I peck her lips again.

"Is this gonna happen every time you get one right?" I ask with a giggle.

"Maybe." she says with a shrug.

"Okay next one. When was our first kiss?" I ask, leaning back into her more.

"Oh I know this one. It was a Friday night. We had just gotten back from Universal, which was kinda our first date but we went with my brother so i don't know if that counts. Anyway I was dropping her off at like 4 am because we went to universal at around 10 pm and didn't get home till like 12 am, and then we went to my house and laid in bed talking for about 3 hours. Anyway, I was dropping her off, and she didn't want to get out of the car because it was frezzing, so I gave her my hoodie. She put it on and, I meant to say it in my head but it came out, I said that she looked cute in my hoodie. Then i just took a chance and I kissed her. Boom!" she shouts at the end.

"Wait, that wasn't it." I say confused.

"Yeah it was baby." she says softly, as she leaned closer getting a peice of Lint off my eyelash.

"Sorry, it was bothering me." She says.

"No, it was when we were in your room talking that night." I argue.

"No baby, we were laying there and we just talked. I did ask you if I could kiss you, and you said 'I don't kiss my friends', You like mocked me cuz I had called you my friend earlier that day." she says with a pout.

"But our first kiss was in my car, outside your house." she says.

"Fine, I'll give you that one." I turn and peck her lips.

"What is my biggest pet peeve?" I ask.

She looks into space as she thinks for a moment.

"You should know this one, you do it all. The. Time." I say.

"Oh, when I leave any empty bag or wrapper and don't throw it away." She mumbles.

"Correct. She always does this! Like the other day she left the toilet paper wrapper in the cabinet after she got the last roll. Like the trash is two feet away." I shout.

"Okay, but when you got to take a shit, two feet feels like 20 miles!" She argues back.

"Ew. TMI." I say with a disgusted face.

"Babe, you literally eat my as-"

"NOT TRUE! That is so not true and you know it!" I shout.

"I know, but I just am hoping if I bring it up enough then I can convince you to." she says shrugging.


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