Family Road Trip pt.2

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I've had this in my drafts for months....
I just wasn't really proud of it and I tended to completely abandon shit when I can't find a way to make it better, it's a bad habit. I know. But I thought " I'm sure they'd appreciate something." I've been in a slump recently, which has caused major writers block. I'm trying guys. But anyways, here's the VERY long awaited part 2. It's shorts, I know. I'm sorry but at least it's here😂

Hour 7

"Mom, what's a boner?"

"Uh- it's when someone with a Male part uh-"

"When they think someone is really really pretty." I cut her off.

"Oh, I thought it was when someone was horny." Roslaies says before going back to play on her DS.

What the fuck.

Hour 8

"Let's play I spy!" Rosalie shouts.

"Hey Rosalie! Let's play the quiet game." Aj said in a excited tone.

"Aj." I warn him.

"Fine I spy with my little eye something brown." Aj says rolling his eyes.

"The dashboard?" Rosalie guesses.

"No. The dirt." He says.

God he's just like his mom.

"I spy with my little eye something big and empty." Rosalie says.

"Your big head?" Nicolás says causing Aj to laugh.

"No! It's the water tower!"

"What it was a good guess? You have a big ass head and it's empty." He says shrugging his shoulders.

"Nicolás!" I shout.

"She do got a big ass head though." Aj says looking back at Nic.

"Shut up you man whore!"

"How am I a manwhore?" Aj shouts, confused.

"You hooked up with Zayah, Shelby, Alicia, Isabel, Kenne-"

"Okay we get it!" Aj shouts covering her mouth.

"Nice." Billie says thinking I can't hear her.

I look at her like shes crazy.

"What?" She asks.

"You really support that"

"Baby, he's a teenager. It's not like he's gonna get a girl pregnant before he turns 18." She says shrugging her shoulder, just like Nicolás. He gets it from her.

"Like you did?" I ask raising an eyebrow.

Her eyes widen.

"Whatever." She mumbled making me smirk.

Hour 9

"Are we almost there yet?" Roaslie whines out.

"Bro shut up, you're honestly the most annoying person to ever walk this planet." Aj groans.

"Whatever." She mumbles looking out the window.

"Mom, are there anymore snacks?" Nicolás asks, breaking the silence.

"No, you ate them all." She says.

"I have to go to the bathroom!" Mateo shouts.

"Me too!"

"Me three!"

"Me Four!"

"We were just at a gas station!" Billie groans.

"Hold it." I say with a blank face.

"Baby, let's jus-"

"No they're gonna hold it. If they're all teenagers and can't be smart enough to use the bathroom when they had the opportunity, then they can hold it." I say, letting out a sigh after.

Everyone is quiet.

All of a sudden we hear a fart.

"Sorry!" Aj shouts.

"Just pull over before I beat all of their asses." I groan.

Hour 10

"We are almost there." I say as the kids continue to scream at each other.

"Baby, it's okay." Billie says with a laugh.

"I'm stressed, so ima need you to blow my back out later." I say as quietly as possible.

But all the kids go quiet and still.

They all start to fake gag, causing billie to laugh.

"Oh, you think it's funny? Fine then." I say looking forward.

When Billie finally realizes that means no sex, she shuts up really quick.

She clears her throat.

"That wasn't funny." She says trying to be serious.

"No, it was so funny. It's fine." I say not looking at her.


After we got to my parents house, shit went down. Long story short my kids are no longer allowed to go to church with my family when we visit. Not like I wanna go, but yeah. They aren't good in small environments and it really showed.

After the two weeks we had to make the trip back home and all I have to say is....

Never. Again.

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