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Yn Emma Lestrange POV

I changed into my Slytherin robe, took my books and went on my first class. Potions. Tom has Charms and Mattheo has Transfiguration. Horace Slughorn is the professor. We all sit down and start taking notes.

"The antidote for a blended poison will be equal to more than the sum of the antidotes for each of the separate components.

Golpalott's Third Law is a law for making antidotes, which appears to say that the antidote for a blended poison — that is, a poison created by mixing several other poisons together — cannot simply be created by finding the antidotes to each separate poison in the blended whole and mixing them together. Instead, the potionmaker must find that single ingredient which, when added to the blended antidotes, transforms them near-alchemically into a combined whole which will counteract the entire blended poison. Simply put, according to this law, a true antidote to a blended poison is more than the sum of its parts. The book Advanced Potion-Making contains this law, but does not explain it.

Creating an antidote following this law may be quite difficult; Hermione Granger made a half-finished antidote that included fifty-two ingredients, one of them being a chunk of her own hair. The law dictates the protocol for making antidotes for all poisons".

That was fast. Okay. Now I got charms with Mattheo. Tom has Potions. I packed my stuff and walked there. Mattheo comes and sits next to me. The lesson started.

"The Water-Making Spell conjures clean, drinkable water from the end of the wand.

The Water-Making Spell, also known as the Aguamenti Spell is a charm that summons a jet of clear, pure water and shoots it from the tip of the wand the caster's wand, and, depending on the caster's concentration and intentions, this charm can be anything from a simple jet of water to a wave. It is taught to sixth year students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in Charms class. The spell's incantation is Aguamenti".

Alright that was fast too but kind of boring. Mattheo and I pack our stuff. He has Potions with Tom and I have Herbology. I walk there quickly.

"Aconite (also known as monkshood or wolfsbane) was a mundane plant with magical properties.

Its flowers were useful in Potion-making, but its leaves were very toxic. The root of aconite could be used as a potion ingredient. Aconite was most commonly known as an ingredient of Wolfsbane Potion, but it was also an ingredient in Wideye Potion.

Put your gloves on, because today we're tending Aconite. Aconite is useful in many potions, but it's very toxic. Poisoning will result in a failing grade and a visit to the Hospital Wing. Before we begin, I will demonstrate proper safety precautions" we all put our gloves on.

We learned about that as well. Now. Lunch time. I packed my stuff and went back to my dorm. I see Tom inside and sigh in relief.

"Finally. I haven't seen you the whole day".

"I'm sorry, love. We have the other 4 classes together".


"Let's go for lunch".


We both walked down the hall and straight to the Great Hall. We get inside and go and sit next to Mattheo.

"Snape has to tell us something".

"What exactly?".

"I don't know. We will see now I guess".

"Silence" Snape says and we all look at him. "We have a couple of new students. Enter".

The new students enter. Tom, Mattheo and I look at each other. They go one by one and take their seat in the sorting hat.

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