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Yn Lestrange/Snape POV

It's the next morning. When Tom and I are fully dressed and ready to go for breakfast, a knock on the door stops us.

"Yn, can you get it?" Tom says from the bathroom.

"Sure" I say as I walk over the door. As I opened the door, I came face to face with my father. "Dad?".

"Can we talk?".

"Umm ... Sure" the bathroom door opens and Tom walks outside. "I'll meet you at the Great Hall".


"Acio wand".

My wand flew on my hand and I put it into my pocket. We walk down the hall and enter his office. I have started getting tired of seeing his office that much. We both sit down and I look at him. He grabs his wand.


He leaves his wand right next to him and throws a book right in front of me (at the desk). I look at the book and notice that it's the one from last night. The one talking about the marauders and him. I look at him as he is looking at me already.

"What?" I say. "I read the book. I don't think to reread it".

"I'm showing it to you so you can reread it, Yn".

"Then what?".

"Why the hell would you ever talk like that to Lupin?" I sigh.

"Lool, dad. I don't want to discuss about this subject again. I found it unfair that he and his friends, dead friends now, had fun of you and you didn't do anything about it. That's all".

"No. That's not all. I never told you to speak for me or even do anything for me".

"That's what the daughters do. That's what I do".

"Well I don't want you to".

"You don't want me to look out for you".

"No I don't. Not about this subject at least".

"What Lupin and Potter did was awful. They were calling you that stupid name just because you said your opinion. Because you were Slytherin and not Gryffindor. Let me tell you, dad. As long as I am alive, I won't let anyone have fun with any member of my family. I don't care if it happened in the past or if it happened recently. I want it to stop" he sighs.

"Listen, Yn. Thank you for looking out for me and it's great that you care about our family but you mustn't get on the bad side of the professors".

"They can't expel me. You're the principal".

"That doesn't play any role, Yn" I sigh.

"You don't want me to look out for you or our family at all?".

"I want".

"Then what don't you want me to do?".

"Talk again about the marauders and me".

"Why not?".

"Can you promise me that you will stop caring about it?".

"Fine. I promise".

"Thank you".

"Whatever. Can I go now?".


I leave his office and go to the Great Hall. I spot Tom and go and sit down there. He was sitting with Mattheo, Lorenzo, Draco, Blaise and Theodore.

"Hello, guys" I say as I sit down.

"Hey" they all say.

"Late like always" Draco says.

"Shut up, ferret" I say and they all laugh except Draco of course.

"Bitch" he mutters under his breath.

"That bitch has taken lives before so don't test her" he just stares at me as I smiled at him.

"You're still a bitch" I laugh and he chuckles.

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