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Mattheo Marvolo Riddle POV

I'll go and see how Yn and Tom are before I fall asleep. Lorenzo isn't at the dorm at the moment and I'm bored so fuck it. I take my wand and go to the prefect dorm. I knock on the door but no one answers. I knocked again.

"YN, FOR MERLIN'S SAKE JUST ENTER" Yn? Isn't Yn inside? I entered and didn't see any of them.

"Tom?" he gets out of the bathroom and sees me.


"Where's Yn?".

"I don't know and honestly I don't give a fuck" his stare fall to my hand.

"Where's your ring?".

"She wanted to take it off so we took them off".

"But that hurts a lot".

"Yeah. You know we are not as lucky as you to have a dead partner".



"Fucking calm down".

"Or what? Seriously. Or what?".

"You talked to Yn like that?".

"Yes. Why? Will she break?".

"For Merlin's sake, Tom. You know how Yn is".

"She doesn't care for all these. What's the matter?".

"But she fucking cares about you".

"She doesn't. Understand it. Okay? She doesn't care about me".


"She doesn't fucking care about me. Okay? Now get the fuck out of here" I just stare at him. "Now, Mattheo".

"Yn, was right".

"I told you to get out".

"You changed and I'm happy about that but you can't hide your other side".

"Mattheo, last warning. Get out".

"You're the same as Voldemort".

"STUPEFY" I fall back and groan in pain. "Get out. I warn you" I stand up and stare at him. "GET OUT".

I get out of his dorm and slam the door behind me. I have to find Yn. I rushed to the Astronomy Tower but she isn't there. I go to the library. She isn't here either. Where is she? She could be in danger at the moment. I ran over to the whole school. I can't find her anywhere. Suddenly as I take a turn I fall up to Snape. I back away.


"Uhh ... Professor Snape".

"What are you doing out here? You should be to your dorm".

"I know but I'm searching for Yn".

"Look at her dorm".

"She is nowhere at school. I can't find her".


"She isn't at her dorm, at the Astronomy Tower, at the library, at any class, at the Great Hall, nor at any dorm of our friends. She is nowhere".

"Ask Tom where she is".

"I can't".

"Why not?".

"Because he is angry. They fought".

"Let's go find her".


We take different paths. I'll just go search at the Quidditch locker room but I'm sure that she won't be there. I run there and look around. Before I left I heard a cry. I stop and stay quiet so I can hear from where it's coming. I walk there and see Yn sitting down. The 2 rings that Yn and Tom were wearing are right next to her. She is a crying mess and her hand is burnt.

"Yn" I run and kneel in front of her.

"Leave me alone. Please" she breaks my heart when she is crying.

"Yn, please. Listen to me. It's gonna be okay".

"I'm such an asshole. I shouldn't take off that ring".

"It's okay".

"It's not" I pulled her to my hug.

"Shhhh. C'mon. Let's go".

I stand her up and she grabs the rings. She pulls them into her pocket. I keep her close to me as we walk back into the school. I see Snape and he rushes near us.

"Yn" Yn looks up and sees Snape. She goes at him and hugs him. He hugs her back but he is quite confused. "What happened?" he looks at me.

"I'm such an awful person".

"Shhhh. Mattheo?".

"Yn wanted to take the ring off her finger so Tom took it off. They fought like I understood and she ran away. I found her in the Quidditch locker room" he nods at me.

"Go back to your dorm. I got her".

"I can't leave her now".

"Go back to your dorm and don't you dare to go to your brother. Understand?" I sigh.



Snape and Yn walk away together. I walk back to my dorm. As I get inside I see Lorenzo. He looks at me and afterwards he looks away.

"If you want to something just say it" I say and go over the wardrobe to take clean clothes.

"I saw you with Yn and professor Snape at the hall. Yn was crying. Is everything okay?".

"Yes. Don't worry about that".

"As you wish".

I go to the bathroom and change clothes. Then I walk outside and sit at my bed. I just stare at the wall persuading myself not to go to Tom's dorm and beat the living shit out of him. I'm trying my hardest not to go there. Snape will be angry at me and it's not even the first day yet.

"When you are angry, you should be talking to someone so you can calm down" I hear Lorenzo saying.

"I'm fine".

"Yeah I can see that. Your hands are shaken from the anger".

"What do you want, Lorenzo?".

"Nothing. Just go and talk to someone so you can calm down".

"I can't get out of the dorm".

"Why not? No one is stopping you".

"Well, the thought of going to Azkaban stops me" he looks at me confused. "Just forget it already. I'll be fine".

"Just go and talk to someone. I don't want to have you angry here".

"Lorenzo, just cut it already".


"If I go out there I'm gonna fucking kill that bastard. Alright? I'm not planning on getting expelled or even getting sent to Azkaban. Okay? Now leave me alone" I stand up and go to the balcony.

I heard him sighing but I didn't care at the moment. I take out a cigarette and light it up. I place my hands on my head. I felt like punching anyone that I'll see in front of me. Like killing anyone that I'll see in front of me. Anyone.

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