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Severus Snape POV

I see Mattheo walking down the hall with Yn next to him. She was a crying mess. My heart stopped when I saw her. I rush near them.

"Yn" Yn looks up and sees me. She comes at me and hugs me. I hug her back but I'm quite confused. "What happened?" I look at Mattheo.

"I'm such an awful person".

"Shhhh. Mattheo?".

"Yn wanted to take the ring off her finger so Tom took it off. They fought like I understood and she ran away. I found her in the Quidditch locker room" I nod at him.

"Go back to your dorm. I got her".

"I can't leave her now".

"Go back to your dorm and don't you dare to go to your brother. Understand?" Mattheo sighs.



Yn and I walk down the hall and straight to my office. As we entered I locked the door and put silence on. I sit Yn down in the chair and sit next to her.

"Shhhh. Hey. Tell me what happened".

"That stupid bitch-"


"Riddle and I argued" she says in a low voice.


"Of course not. The other one. The bastard".


"It's the truth".

"Let me remind you what you were thinking about that bastard".

"I was daydreaming. It wasn't real. Okay?".

"You still thought about him. Now tell me. Why did you two argue?".

"Because of our rings".

"Yes. Why?".

"We kind of argued before he went to take a shower about ... Smoking ... " she looks up at me and I sigh. "And when he came out I asked him how I can take that ring off and he said that he can take it off only if he melts it so he kind of burnt my finger and his either. He could feel through the ring what I was feeling. The whole pain. When he took it off I felt awful about what I did and I wanted to apologize but he just stormed into the bathroom".

"He didn't hit you or something. Right?".

"No. Of course not".

"That's the only that I care about".

"He is not gonna forgive me".

"You should be the one that will have to forgive him, Yn. Why did you two start fighting again?".

"I told you. About smoking".

"What did y'all say?".

Yn sighs but grabs her wand. She points it at me so I can start and seeing what happened.

Flashback of what happened

Yn Lestrange/Snape POV

"Drop the attitude, Tom" I say as I did my way over the desk.

"You will stop smoking".

"In your dreams".


"Not gonna happen, Tom. Smoking helps me".

"It kills you".

"It saved me when I was at my lowest".

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