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Yn Lestrange POV

That day is weird. Awful to say the truth. Voldemort will attack Hogwarts today. We are all ready for it. Tom runs inside and looks at me. He was stressed.

"He's here" I gulp. Okay. I admit it. I'm scared to death. "Yn" he runs to me. "Don't try to do anything to save us" he stares at me. "Don't even try to".

"I promised you".

"I know but I know that you always do this".

"I won't. I promise you, Tommy" he nods at me. "We gotta go" I try to leave but he stops me.


"What?" he kisses me and I kiss him back. We pull away. "Why now?".

"I don't know. It felt right. Like ... "

"Something is going to happen".

"Exactly" I smile and cup his face.

"I promise you to ... To us. Nothing is going to happen".

"To us" he smiles.

"Let's go, Tommy".

I grab his hand and we run outside. We run at the Courtyard and stop before we get out there. I look at Tom and he looks at me.

"Yn, we ... "

"It's gonna be alright".


"Let's go".

We walk there with our wands to our hands. Voldemort looks at us. Just like all of the students and the professors. Mattheo and Elijah stand next to us.

"What are you-" Tom cuts Voldemort off.

"I think it's time, father. Don't you think?" Voldemort looks confused.

"Yeah. I guess so" Mattheo says.

The fight starts. We all fought against the Death Eaters and Voldemort himself. Bellatrix runs to me. He grabs me and pulls me away.

"Let me go" I try to leave but she stops me again.

"Yn, wait".

"No. Don't even try. You have no right to t-"

"I'm gonna help you to kill Voldemort" I look confused.


"Kill the Horcruxes and you are done. Voldemort will be weak afterwards".

"Wait hold up. You ... Help me?".

"We will talk later" she tries to leave but I stop her. She looks at me.

"Can you help me?".


"Yes. Can you?".

"I'll try to".

"Thank you" she looks at me.

I ran back to the others. Bellatrix runs at the other side. I go to Mattheo and Tom and pull them at the corner.

"Yn?" Tom says.

"Go to Bellatrix" I try to leave but Mattheo stops me.


"Bellatrix will help us. Go to Bellatrix and kill the ... The Hurcruxes" I look at Tom. He stares at me confused.

"The Hurcruxes?" I nod.

"If ... " I sigh. "If the Hurcruxes die, then Voldemort will be weak. Then-"

"You can kill him" Mattheo says in a low voice. Tom and I look at him while he looks at me.

"What? No" Tom says and looks at me. I keep my stare at Mattheo.

"That's why you want us to be with Bellatrix. Right? Because you don't want him to see you breaking your promise" I just stare at him. A tear rolls down my cheek but I pull it away.

"No. I ... " my voice is slightly shaky. "I am not gonna break my promise".

"You're lying".

"No. Theo, I ... "

"We won't leave you like that and you know that really good" I look at Tom. His eyes are watery as well. I look back at Mattheo.

"I'm sorry".

I just turn around and run back to the battle. I see them running behind me but I'm slightly faster than them. I started fighting with Voldemort. He casts the "Avada Kedavra" and I did too. Tom and Mattheo try to run near us but I cast a spell so an invisible "wall" appears around me and Voldemort. Because I did so, Voldemort managed to drop me down. I groan in pain and look at him. He casts the "Crucio" and I scream in pain. I see Tom trying to break into the "wall" but he can't. Not yet at least. I look at Mattheo but then I see Elijah and Mariah running there. I look at them but then I lock my eyes with Elijah's. I see a tear. This shouldn't be happening. They don't deserve to cry over me. No because of me. I stand up slowly. It hurts me. A lot but it's alright. I can go through that. Voldemort looks confused but doesn't stop. I manage to cut off his spell and I sigh in relief. We both cast the "Avada Kedavra" again. I am more powerful. I'm sure I am. I'll try to be. I am. I know I am and right now I show it. I thought I was. He was slightly better at this one and he threw me back again. This hit was harder than the last one. Before he casts any other spell I drop him back. He got weaker. I cough out blood.

"YN" I look slightly up and see Elijah. He is different now. He looks a lot different.

"Elijah?" I say in a low voice.

"You got this" I just stared at him. "You got it. You are better than him. Alright" I shake my head. "Hey. You got this. Okay? You got this".

I look behind me and see Voldemort. He starts slowly standing up. I stand up slowly and stabilize myself at the "wall". I look at Elijah and he nods at me. I turn around slowly and look at Voldemort. I cast the spell (Avada Kedavra) but he did too. I fell on my knees but I didn't stop the spell. I put my whole power on it and I managed to drop him.

"He's dead?" I say.



I disappear the invisible"wall" but right after I fainted.

A.N.: Hello guys. Well. I know that it's not a long time that I posted the chapter that I'm saying that I'm sick and I actually still am sick. I just found the perfect time to right time to write that I am not in the mood to text with some people. So. I'll try to post a chapter tomorrow or maybe two but I can't promise anything. I hope you enjoy that chapter and I can't wait to write what is about to happen next.

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